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v1.1.12 -- "Now you're thinking with Portals™!"

This is the twelfth patch release in the 1.1.z release branch of runc.
It fixes a high-severity container breakout vulnerability involving
leaked file descriptors, and users are strongly encouraged to update as
soon as possible.

* Fix CVE-2024-21626, a container breakout attack that took advantage of
  a file descriptor that was leaked internally within runc (but never
  leaked to the container process).

  In addition to fixing the leak, several strict hardening measures were
  added to ensure that future internal leaks could not be used to break
  out in this manner again.

  Based on our research, while no other container runtime had a similar
  leak, none had any of the hardening steps we've introduced (and some
  runtimes would not check for any file descriptors that a calling
  process may have leaked to them, allowing for container breakouts due
  to basic user error).

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

 * Aleksa Sarai <>
 * hang.jiang <>
 * lfbzhm <>

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai <>