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  • Kir Kolyshkin's avatar
    libct: decouple libct/cg/devices · 4f3319b5
    Kir Kolyshkin authored
    Commit b6967fa8
     moved the functionality of managing cgroup devices
    into a separate package, and decoupled libcontainer/cgroups from it.
    Yet, some software (e.g. cadvisor) may need to use libcontainer package,
    which imports libcontainer/cgroups/devices, thus making it impossible to
    use libcontainer without bringing in cgroup/devices dependency.
    In fact, we only need to manage devices in runc binary, so move the
    import to main.go.
    The need to import libct/cg/dev in order to manage devices is already
    documented in libcontainer/cgroups, but let's
     - update that documentation;
     - add a similar note to libcontainer/cgroups/systemd;
     - add a note to libct README.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarKir Kolyshkin <>
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