RB3 Gen 2 LAA build 1 Download the U-Boot build attached. ## Flashing: Install EDL tool by following the guide in the README: https://github.com/bkerler/edl/blob/master/README.md Download and unzip the bootloader firmware from https://artifacts.codelinaro.org/artifactory/qli-ci/software/chip/qualcomm_linux-spf-1-0/qualcomm-linux-spf-1-0_test_device_public/r1.0_00039.2/QCM6490.LE.1.0/common/build/ufs/bin/QCM6490_bootbinaries.zip Note the path to the prog_firehose_ddr.elf file. Enter EDL mode by powering up the board while holding the EDL button (it's on the bottom of the PCB next to side with the micro-usb ports). It should appear as qcserial in dmesg on a Linux host. Now flash with edl.py --loader /path/to/prog_firehose_ddr.elf w uefi_a u-boot-rb3gen.mbn ## Usage Only the type-c port is functional, a *powered* USB hub must be used with a USB 2.0 drive OR USB 2.0 port on the hub. U-Boot will automatically boot from a USB drive that has an EFI system partition on it. If attaching the drive after booting the board, run => usb reset ... Boot with => bootefi bootmgr