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Commit 4c703e1e authored by Tim Orling's avatar Tim Orling
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README: added recipes must add to packagegroup

When new recipes are added, they must also be
accompanied by a patch adding them to the

This packagegroup is critical to the function of
the CI system behind this layer.

Signed-off-by: default avatarTim Orling <>
parent 46cbe80a
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......@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ It is expected that ANY upgrades to a recipe will have undergone run-time testin
the upgrade. Many other developers depend upon the quality of this layer and will be quite upset with
you when you break their builds.
It is expected that any patch adding a new recipe will also add the recipe to packagegroup-meta-python2.
This packagegroup is critical to the function of the CI system behind maintenance of this layer.
Commit messages must include a "Signed-off-by:" line, including a valid email address and a legal name
(not a nickname). The "Signed-off-by:" line means that you are either the author or have the legal right
to submit the work. Please refer to the "Submitting a patch to OpenEmbedded" [6] and "Commit Patch
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