- Nov 12, 2023
David Faure authored
David Faure authored
- Nov 09, 2023
Alex Henrie authored
The IANA type registration says that the file must begin with the string "(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)", but the binhex utility generates files that begin with "(This file must be converted; you knew that already.)". https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/mac-binhex40 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1741 http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/Binhex https://github.com/VorpalBlade/macutils/blob/640782c6698a4d360711bbfb71a0d27dbd182d8f/binhex/dofile.c#L30
- Nov 08, 2023
Alex Henrie authored
application/x-msdownload is what Microsoft Windows uses for EXE and DLL files, so that type is commonly found on the WWW and in other contexts. It is an umbrella type for anything with a .exe or .dll file extension, among others. application/x-dosexec is what the `file` utility uses for DOS executables specifically. According to the File Format Problem wiki: "It's not clear if there is any completely reliable way to identify a file as strictly DOS EXE, except in the negative (i.e., it looks like EXE, and is not a valid NE, PE, etc., file)...If the relocation table offset is from 28 to 63...it is pretty certainly DOS EXE." application/x-ms-ne-executable is what the `file` utility uses for 16-bit Windows libraries and executables. application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable is the IANA standard type for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows libraries and executables, as well as EFI executables. With these changes, application/x-ms-dos-executable is considered deprecated. For now it is an alias of application/x-msdownload, but in the future it may change to be an alias of application/x-dosexec. helloworld-*.exe was compiled with Open Watcom from the following C source code: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { puts("Hello World!"); return 0; } https://github.com/file/file/blob/171c73b67ca692550882e0b8ab3c2a1f16ab1e00/magic/Magdir/msdos https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/MS-DOS_EXE http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/New_Executable http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/Portable_Executable
Alex Henrie authored
MSIX and APPX have the same descriptions because MSIX is essentially the new version of APPX. For now, app store apps have to be unzipped before running them in Wine, but I expect that a future version of Wine will support double-click installation. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/msix/app-installer/web-install-iis#step-7---configure-the-web-app-for-app-package-mime-types
Alex Henrie authored
- Nov 07, 2023
David Faure authored
FORMAT= in the first 128 bytes is very unspecific magic, it happens to match pcb-drillFile.drl too (which is a application/x-excellon file, and can be detected as such because it starts with M48) Found when porting QtCore to shared-mime-info 2.3
Alex Henrie authored
PowerShell is a cross-platform scripting language with implementations for Windows, Mac, and Linux. application/x-powershell is not an official IANA media type, but is used by GitHub and others. https://github.com/github-linguist/linguist/blob/7ca3799b8b5f1acde1dd7a8dfb7ae849d3dfb4cd/lib/linguist/languages.yml#L5320 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_requires?view=powershell-7.3#-psedition-psedition-name
Reuben Thomas authored
WASM (WebAssembly) is a portable object format. This is an official IANA media type.
Reuben Thomas authored
David Faure authored
Use bzip1 for (these days rarely used) *.bz files This preserves source compatiblity for code that was using application/x-bzip-compressed-tar to detect tar.bz2 files.
Ingo Brückl authored
This is MPlayer's own subtitle format.
Ingo Brückl authored
These subtitles do not belong to either MPlayer or its fork MPlayer2.
- Nov 05, 2023
Alex Henrie authored
"HTML Components" is a file format and API promoted by Microsoft that never became popular. Nonetheless, Wine supports it and would benefit from having the MIME type in the shared database. https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-HTMLComponents https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-2000-server/bb742440(v=technet.10)#mime-formats-in-iis-in-extension-order
David Faure authored
Otherwise it's unclear which of image/png and image/apng should win. The spec doesn't say that one should check if one match is a subclass of another, for magic matching, it says priority is used for this: "Low numbers should be used for more generic types (such as 'gzip compressed data') and higher values for specific subtypes (such as a word processor format that happens to use gzip to compress the file)." Found when porting QtCore to shared-mime-info-2.3.
Alex Henrie authored
JFIF is the technical name for the on-disk JPEG file format, and consequently JPEG files are occasionally found with a .jfif extension.
- Nov 04, 2023
Alex Henrie authored
To avoid misdetection as application/x-virtual-boy-rom, look for the three things that are most commonly at the beginning of a VB.NET source file: An "Imports" statement, a "Module" statement, or a "REM" comment. https://github.com/github-linguist/linguist/blob/7ca3799b8b5f1acde1dd7a8dfb7ae849d3dfb4cd/lib/linguist/languages.yml#L7419
Alex Henrie authored
Files with a .bas extension contain code in the BASIC programming language or one of its derivatives, such as QBasic, Visual Basic, or QB64. https://ciam-tika.straumann.com/mime-types/text/x-basic
- Nov 03, 2023
David Faure authored
David Faure authored
Fixes: #209
- Oct 29, 2023
David Faure authored
This is the Quake PAK format, and it does start with PACK, but the real signature requires parsing the file deeper, as explained on https://web.archive.org/web/20070701221700/http://mediasrv.ns.ac.yu:80/extra/fileformat/games/pak/pak.txt References: * https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10030 * https://invent.kde.org/unmaintained/kdelibs/-/blob/KDE/3.5/kio/magic?ref_type=heads Fixes #210
Alex Henrie authored
JSON5 is a superset of standard JSON that permits comments and trailing commas. Although application/json5 is not an official IANA media type, it is used by Nim, Fastify, Altova, and others. https://nim-lang.org/1.6.6/mimetypes.html https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/fastify-json5 https://www.altova.com/manual/Mapforce/mapforceenterprise/mff_json5.html
Alex Henrie authored
This is the MIME type that Internet Explorer accepts for pseudo-base64-encoded VBScript files, which typically have a .vbe extension. Use of this file format is discouraged and files of this type should be treated with suspicion. https://book.hacktricks.xyz/windows-hardening/ntlm/places-to-steal-ntlm-creds#vbscript
Alex Henrie authored
This is the MIME type that Internet Explorer accepts for pseudo-base64-encoded JScript files, which typically have a .jse extension. Use of this file format is discouraged and files of this type should be treated with suspicion. https://www.virusbulletin.com/virusbulletin/2006/01/inside-microsoft-script-encoder/ https://book.hacktricks.xyz/windows-hardening/ntlm/places-to-steal-ntlm-creds#jscript
Alex Henrie authored
text/jscript is used for Microsoft's implementation of ECMAScript, which has a few quirks and extra features compared to JavaScript, but no obvious distinguishing marks.
Alex Henrie authored
All ECMAScript programs are JavaScript, but not all JavaScript programs are ECMAScript.
- Oct 28, 2023
Alex Henrie authored
This is more or less the Windows equivalent of a .desktop file. Opening a .lnk file in Wine opens the target program, file, or directory. C.lnk is a shortcut to C:\ made on Windows 10. https://gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/-/blob/209b2c23c5e302ed9211d67ab044386d3fe0bef4/programs/winemenubuilder/winemenubuilder.c#L2017 https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kcoreaddons/-/blob/66983a7c188d1b19c5dabbb056f6fac90803db5f/src/mimetypes/kde6.xml#L2591 https://winprotocoldoc.blob.core.windows.net/productionwindowsarchives/MS-SHLLINK/[MS-SHLLINK].pdf#page=11
Alex Henrie authored
David Faure authored
- Oct 14, 2023
Ingo Brückl authored
Now that there is a MIME type for bzip, the deprecated predecessor of bzip2, it is necessary to keep bzip and bzip2 compression apart.
- Oct 09, 2023
Jan Palus authored
Biswapriyo Nath authored
This fixes the compiler warnings similar as following. ../src/update-mime-database.cpp:393:50: warning: missing sentinel in function call [-Wsentinel] 393 | g_strconcat(namespaceURI, " ", localName, NULL), | ^ | , nullptr
Tobias Mayer authored
The `has_function` feature in meson uses different detection methods depending on the contents of the `prefix` kwarg [1]: * if it contains `#include` directives it will copy the prefix into the test code and check if it compiles * if it doesn't contain an include or isn't specified, `has_function` will forward declare the function and test for it's existence by trying to link it to the default libraries The latter approach wrongly succeeds for `fdatasync` on darwin because the linker binds the function to a system call of the same name. Note that this result really is wrong because that system call has not the expected semantics of `fdatasync`. By adding an include for `unistd.h` we can get meson to use the first approach and the detection fails. Note that this has gone unnoticed so far because only recent versions of clang (the default compiler on darwin) started to treat implicit function declarations as an error. [1] https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/blob/583d2815d1a130227f0f4db47e4ab2e80ebb6a61/mesonbuild/compilers/mixins/clike.py#L839-L846 Fixes #211
- Oct 08, 2023
Tobias Mayer authored
Clang is not able to disambiguate between multiple string literatals and C++11 user defined literals. Spaces help.
- Oct 07, 2023
David Faure authored
David Faure authored
David Faure authored
David Faure authored