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  • Stephan Mueller's avatar
    Remove bi-modal timing behavior of conditioner · e0c9f55e
    Stephan Mueller authored
    As identified by Josh Hill, the execution time of the conditioner exhibits
    a bi-modal behavior. This is based in the nature of the used SHA3-256
    which only performs a Keccak operation if sufficient data was added to
    the hash stack. This implies that not in all insertions of a timing event
    a Keccak operation was performed.
    By using a buffer that is exactly SHA-3-256-rate-size to hold all data
    to be inserted into the entropy pool, it is guaranteed that for each
    insertion of data always one Keccak operation is performed.
    Signed-off-by: Josh Hill
    Signed-off-by: default avatarStephan Mueller <>
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