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  • v1.1.0
    c706d147 · Bats 1.1.0 ·
    Bats 1.1.0 - 2018-07-08
    This is the first release with new features relative to the original Bats 0.4.0.
    * The `-r, --recursive` flag to scan directory arguments recursively for
      `*.bats` files (#109)
    * The `contrib/rpm/bats.spec` file to build RPMs (#111)
    * Travis exercises latest versions of Bash from 3.2 through 4.4 (#116, #117)
    * Error output highlights invalid command line options (#45, #46, #118)
    * Replaced `echo` with `printf` (#120)
    * Fixed `BATS_ERROR_STATUS` getting lost when `bats_error_trap` fired multiple
      times under Bash 4.2.x (#110)
    * Updated `bin/bats` symlink resolution, handling the case on CentOS where
      `/bin` is a symlink to `/usr/bin` (#113, #115)
  • v1.0.2
    70b783e4 · Bats 1.0.2 ·
    Bats 1.0.2 — June 18, 2018
    * Fixed sstephenson/bats#240, whereby `skip` messages containing parentheses
      were truncated (#48)
    * Doc improvements:
      * Docker usage (#94)
      * Better README badges (#101)
      * Better installation instructions (#102, #104)
    * Packaging/installation improvements:
      * package.json update (#100)
      * Moved `libexec/` files to `libexec/bats-core/`, improved `` (#105)
  • v1.0.1
    7f5b59b2 · Bats 1.0.1 ·
    Bats 1.0.1 — June 9, 2018
    * Fixed a `BATS_CWD` bug introduced in #91 whereby it was set to the parent of
      `PWD`, when it should've been set to `PWD` itself (#98). This caused file
      names in stack traces to contain the basename of `PWD` as a prefix, when the
      names should've been purely relative to `PWD`.
    * Ensure the last line of test output prints when it doesn't end with a newline
      (#99). This was a quasi-bug introduced by replacing `sed` with `while` in #88.
  • v1.0.0
    0690be2b · Bats 1.0.0 ·
    Bats 1.0.0 — June 8, 2018
    `1.0.0` generally preserves compatibility with `0.4.0`, but with some Bash
    compatibility improvements and a massive performance boost. In other words:
    - all existing tests should remain compatible
    - tests that might've failed or exhibited unexpected behavior on earlier
      versions of Bash should now also pass or behave as expected
    * Added support for Docker.
    * Added support for test scripts that have the [unofficial strict
      mode]( enabled.
    * Improved stability on Windows and macOS platforms.
    * Massive performance improvements, especially on Windows (#8)
    * Workarounds for inconsistent behavior between Bash versions (#82)
    * Workaround for preserving stack info after calling an exported function under
      Bash < 4.4 (#87)
    * Fixed TAP compliance for skipped tests
    * Added support for tabs in test names.
    * `bin/bats` and `` now work reliably on Windows (#91)
  • v0.4.0
    7b032e4b · Bats 0.4.0 ·
  • v0.3.1
    2e247788 · Bats 0.3.1 ·
  • v0.3.0
    0e5e4457 · Bats 0.3.0 ·
  • v0.2.0
    5030f53e · Bats 0.2.0 ·
  • v0.1.0
    2f192ebf · Bats 0.1.0 ·