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  • Jordan Williams's avatar
    Alias CMake Targets. Fixes #921 (#926) · daff5fea
    Jordan Williams authored
    * add Jordan Williams to both CONTRIBUTORS and AUTHORS
    * alias benchmark libraries
    Provide aliased CMake targets for the benchmark and benchmark_main targets.
    The alias targets are namespaced under benchmark::, which is the namespace when they are exported.
    I chose not to use either the PROJECT_NAME or the namespace variable but to hard-code the namespace.
    This is because the benchmark and benchmark_main targets are hard-coded by name themselves.
    Hard-coding the namespace is also much cleaner and easier to read.
    * link to aliased benchmark targets
    It is safer to link against namespaced targets because of how CMake interprets the double colon.
    Typo's will be caught by CMake at configuration-time instead of during compile / link time.
    * document the provided alias targets
    * add "Usage with CMake" section in documentation
    This section covers linking against the alias/import CMake targets and including them using either find_package or add_subdirectory.
    * format the "Usage with CMake" README section
    Added a newline after the "Usage with CMake" section header.
    Dropped the header level of the section by one to make it a direct subsection of the "Usage" section.
    Wrapped lines to be no longer than 80 characters in length.