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  • v1.7.0
    Release 1.7.0
    This version of fsnotify needs Go 1.17.
    - illumos: add FEN backend to support illumos and Solaris. ([#371])
    - all: add `NewBufferedWatcher()` to use a buffered channel, which can
      be useful in cases where you can't control the kernel buffer and
      receive a large number of events in bursts. ([#550], [#572])
    - all: add `AddWith()`, which is identical to `Add()` but allows passing
      options. ([#521])
    - windows: allow setting the ReadDirectoryChangesW() buffer size with
      `fsnotify.WithBufferSize()`; the default of 64K is the highest value
      that works on all platforms and is enough for most purposes, but in
      some cases a highest buffer is needed. ([#521])
    Changes and fixes:
    - inotify: remove watcher if a watched path is renamed ([#518])
      After a rename the reported name wasn't updated, or even an empty
      string. Inotify doesn't provide any good facilities to update it, so
      just remove the watcher. This is already how it worked on kqueue and
      On Windows this does work, and remains working.
    - windows: don't listen for file attribute changes ([#520])
      File attribute changes are sent as `FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED` by the
      Windows API, with no way to see if they're a file write or attribute
      change, so would show up as a fsnotify.Write event. This is never
      useful, and could result in many spurious Write events.
    - windows: return `ErrEventOverflow` if the buffer is full ([#525])
      Before it would merely return "short read", making it hard to detect
      this error.
    - kqueue: make sure events for all files are delivered properly when
      removing a watched directory ([#526])
      Previously they would get sent with `""` (empty string) or `"."` as
      the path name.
    - kqueue: don't emit spurious Create events for symbolic links ([#524])
      The link would get resolved but kqueue would "forget" it already saw
      the link itself, resulting on a Create for every Write event for the
    - all: return `ErrClosed` on `Add()` when the watcher is closed ([#516])
    - other: add `Watcher.Errors` and `Watcher.Events` to the no-op
      `Watcher` in `backend_other.go`, making it easier to use on
      unsupported platforms such as WASM, AIX, etc. ([#528])
    - other: use the `backend_other.go` no-op if the `appengine` build tag
      is set; Google AppEngine forbids usage of the unsafe package so the
      inotify backend won't compile there.
  • v1.6.0
    5f8c606a · Update ChangeLog ·
    Release v1.6.0
    This version of fsnotify needs Go 1.16 (this was already the case since
    1.5.1, but not documented). It also increases the minimum Linux version
    to 2.6.32.
    - all: add `Event.Has()` and `Op.Has()` ([#477])
      This makes checking events a lot easier; for example:
    	    if event.Op&Write == Write && !(event.Op&Remove == Remove) {
    	    if event.Has(Write) && !event.Has(Remove) {
    - all: add cmd/fsnotify ([#463])
      A command-line utility for testing and some examples.
    Changes and fixes
    - inotify: don't ignore events for files that don't exist ([#260], [#470])
      Previously the inotify watcher would call `os.Lstat()` to check if a file
      still exists before emitting events.
      This was inconsistent with other platforms and resulted in inconsistent event
      reporting (e.g. when a file is quickly removed and re-created), and generally
      a source of confusion. It was added in 2013 to fix a memory leak that no
      longer exists.
    - all: return `ErrNonExistentWatch` when `Remove()` is called on a path that's
      not watched ([#460])
    - inotify: replace epoll() with non-blocking inotify ([#434])
      Non-blocking inotify was not generally available at the time this library was
      written in 2014, but now it is. As a result, the minimum Linux version is
      bumped from 2.6.27 to 2.6.32. This hugely simplifies the code and is faster.
    - kqueue: don't check for events every 100ms ([#480])
      The watcher would wake up every 100ms, even when there was nothing to do. Now
      it waits until there is something to do.
    - macos: retry opening files on EINTR ([#475])
    - kqueue: skip unreadable files ([#479])
      kqueue requires a file descriptor for every file in a directory; this would
      fail if a file was unreadable by the current user. Now these files are simply
    - windows: fix renaming a watched directory if the parent is also watched ([#370])
    - windows: increase buffer size from 4K to 64K ([#485])
    - windows: close file handle on Remove() ([#288])
    - kqueue: put pathname in the error if watching a file fails ([#471])
    - inotify, windows: calling Close() more than once could race ([#465])
    - kqueue: improve Close() performance ([#233])
    - all: various documentation additions and clarifications.
  • v1.5.4
    0f4b9793 · Prepare for v1.5.4 (#448) ·
  • v1.5.2
  • v1.5.3
  • v1.5.1
  • v1.5.0
    08848a0f · v1.5.0 preparation (#380) ·
  • v1.4.9
  • v1.4.8
  • v1.4.7
    c2828203 · v1.4.7 ·
  • v1.4.2
    629574ca · v1.4.2 ·
  • v1.4.1
    944cff21 · v1.4.1 ·
  • v1.4.0
    26b17cd5 · v1.4.0 ·
  • v1.3.1
    a8a77c91 · v1.3.1 ·
  • v1.3.0
  • v1.2.11
  • v1.2.10
  • v1.2.9
    8611c35a · kqueue: fix Remove-logic ·
  • v1.2.8
    508915b7 · v1.2.8 ·
  • v1.2.5