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  • Jason Zaman's avatar
    Separate C and C++ libraries and CMake fixes (#6) · 91204596
    Jason Zaman authored
    * CMake: version sofiles and respect libdir
    Version the libraries like and set the symlinks
    properly. The version is taken from the VERSION file in the root, it
    should be updated with new releases. The minimum is kept CMake version
    is kept at 2.8 but >=3.0 is strongly recommended. Since the minimum is
    <3.0, policy CMP0048 must be set to NEW.
    64bit distros use /usr/lib64 not /usr/lib so this needs to be
    configurable as well.
    The source properties for C++ are set outside of enabling the tests
    otherwise building the C++ library with tests disabled fails.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJason Zaman <>
    * CMake: add separate libnsync_cpp library target so C/C++ do not conflict
    The libraries should be named differently otherwise they cannot be
    installed together on the system. is the C library. is the C++ library. The header files for both are
    Both are built from the same source files so the C++ source files must
    be copied so that the source file property LANGUAGE can be set. The copy
    is done during build so the configure step does not need to be re-done
    after any code changes. Per-OS settings are now all done together and
    then two functions set the C / C++ properties on the build targets.
    The C library is the recommended one and the C++ library takes
    significantly longer to build and test so it is possible to only build
    and install only the C library.
    $ mkdir build; cd build
    $ cmake ..
    $ make nsync
    $ make test_c
    $ make install
    Will build and install only the C library. make all will still build
    both libraries like normal. There are also test_c / test_cpp targets
    to run only C/C++ tests.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJason Zaman <>