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  • Keun Soo Yim's avatar
    initial commit of acloud for open sourcing · b293fdbb
    Keun Soo Yim authored
    The Cloud Android Driver Binaries (namely, acloud) in this project
    provide the standard APIs to access and control Cloud Android devices
    (i.e., Android Virtual Devices on Google Compute Engine) instantiated
    by using the Android source code (e.g., device/google/gce* projects).
    No code change required in the initial commit which is to track
    all the changes submitted after the initial commit.
    Unit tests are not part of this initial commit and thus will be
    submitted as the second commit due to their current dependencies
    Test: no build rule defined for python yet
    Change-Id: Ib6aaadf33fa110f4532ba2d5b7be91e8ddc632a9
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