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  • Christian Blichmann's avatar
    Update Google dependencies · 045ace8d
    Christian Blichmann authored
    - Abseil
    - Protobuf
    - Benchmark
    - Googletest
    In turn, some code changes were necessary:
    - Use absolute imports in `` when invoked by Bazel
    - Add Abseil's source dir as include dir in generated proto `.cc` files
    - Bazel: Use `@rules_proto` for `proto_library` and use native `cc_proto_library`
    - Update year in ``
    - Look for clang versions 16, 15, 14, and 13 as well in ``
    PiperOrigin-RevId: 539032012
    Change-Id: Ib9cd1d7fb38409d884eb45e1fa08927f6af83a21