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  • Mike Yu's avatar
    Upgrade quiche to 0.14.0 · 21aebcb8
    Mike Yu authored
    As tools/external_updater/ failed with the error
    message: "Error: Unable to find the Rust version.", this
    change is made by the following steps:
      $ -add3prf -v -o /tmp quiche-0.14.0
      $ rm -rf deps/ examples/ include/ src/
      $ cp -R /tmp/quiche-0.14.0/. .
      $ rm patches/
      $ patch --no-backup-if-mismatch src/ patches/env.diff
      $ (manually modify Android.bp.patch to use liboctets)
      $ --config cargo2android.json
      $ rm -rf cargo.out target.tmp/
    Bug: 233719694
    Test: cd external/rust/crates/quiche && atest
    Test: cd packages/modules/DnsResolver && atest
    Change-Id: Iecfb7054123ffa8fe88d2e0c11ee4ff4407fbcda
    Merged-In: Iecfb7054123ffa8fe88d2e0c11ee4ff4407fbcda
    (cherry picked from commit f57cb85c)