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  • Jonathon Reinhart's avatar
    Import 'gpio-cdev' crate v0.6.0 · 80927f2f
    Jonathon Reinhart authored
    cargo_embargo.json was generated with:
    $ cargo_embargo autoconfig cargo_embargo.json
    Android.bp was generated with:
    $ cargo_embargo generate cargo_embargo.json
    Request Document: go/android-rust-importing-crates
    For CL Reviewers: go/android3p#cl-review
    For Build Team: go/ab-third-party-imports
    Bug: b/311447928
    Test: m libgpio_cdev
    Test: Treehugger
    Change-Id: If91b78abff6f22d40ede7d7add95dd37f8781020
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