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  • Jorge Ruesga's avatar
    Initial commit. · 7ed2f3a6
    Jorge Ruesga authored
    Port TrueZip revision 6207 to Android:
    - Downgraded to fully comply with JS6 (required to build in Android)
    - Removed NIO2, ServiceLocator, Swing and console classes (not availaible in Android)
    - Stripped down to use the minimal subset of classes to run File, Zip and RAES engines
    - Removed javax/findBugs annotations (not availaible in Android)
    - Removed registered implementations (fsdrivers and keyproviders) from locators,
      which doesn't have any implementation. Implemetators should define its own subsets of
      drivers and keyproviders.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJorge Ruesga <>
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