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  • Will Drewry's avatar
    Clean up and refactor; new hw support · de2cad7a
    Will Drewry authored
    This change addresses portability, a pn80t platform abstraction, and
    nq-nci support.
    Refactor/clean up:
    - Adds darwin-sysdeps.c to help avoid reverting again.
    - Clean up Android.bp
    - T=1: moved T=1 to using bit_specs to keep some
      of the readability of bitfields without incurring
      weird toolchain side effects.
    - T=1 will still rely on compilers keeping uchars
      aligned and check it with a div-by-zero build
    - ESE platform specific methods are now wrapped.
    - Adjusted error message constant usage.
    - Enclosing {} for every if statement.
    - Moved to relative headers for inclusion into other code
    - Added a comment to log.h to make debugging easier globally
      in libese code.
    - Common code now shared across different
      wire configurations.
    - Add support for kernel based driver (called nq-nci)
      which interacts with the nq-nci behavior for power
    - Added cooldown/end of session code to pn80t/common.c
    - Migrated the ese_nxp_sample code to NQ_NCI and added the empty
      session to test the cooldown code submission.
    Bug: 34193473,35105409
    Change-Id: I8fc320c8c236282ed103ef3ee3cb8c0dc99d8bcb
    Test: unittests pass, tested ese-relay on hardware forwarding globalplatform pro