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  • Luis R. Rodriguez's avatar
    iw: embrace the Developer Certificate of Origin for contributions · 7d375e1b
    Luis R. Rodriguez authored
    The Linux kernel started to embrace a light weight development contribution
    agreement process called the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) circa
    2004. Attorneys all over the planet have conferred a lot of respect and
    appreciation for this document and it provides a light weight alternative to
    cumbersome and controversial Contribution License Agreements (CLAs).
    Similar to streamlining FOSS licenses we also all stand to gain from
    streamlining a light weight contribution agreement process for development
    and in light of this the the Linux Foundation recently has made the DCO a
    standalone project [0] so that any FOSS project under any FOSS license can
    take advantage of the same gains. The motivation and intent is documented
    only currently on my blog post [1].
    Lets take advantage of the new shiny DCO and embrace it for contributions.
    NOTE: Contributions before this commit that still included a Signed-off-by
          line (presumably out of habit of typing -s with git commands) aren't
          necessarily covered by this agreement.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarLuis R. Rodriguez <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJohannes Berg <>
After you've reviewed these contribution guidelines, you'll be all set to contribute to this project.