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Commit e7dff43a authored by Kenny Yu's avatar Kenny Yu
Browse files

Address comments from

- Remove dependency on networkx. I did this by copying only the parts I needed
  from networkx, and adapting it to only use what I needed. These include:
  `DiGraph`, `strongly_connected_components`, `simple_cyles`

- Symbolize global and static mutexes. In order to do this, I subshell out to
  `subshell`. This isn't very efficient, but this only happens at the end of
  the program if a deadlock is found, so it's not too bad.

- `--verbose` mode to print graph statistics

- Make `--binary` flag optional. Not needed by default, However, this is needed
  on kernels without this recent kernel patch
  (, submitted 2 weeks ago): we can't attach
  a uprobe on a binary that has `:` in the path name. Instead, we can create a
  symlink without `:` in the path and pass that to the `--binary` argument
parent 66fb4d29
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Q: while running 'make test' I'm seeing:
'ImportError: No module named pyroute2' or 'ImportError: No module named networkx'
A: Install pyroute2 and networkx:
'ImportError: No module named pyroute2'
A: Install pyroute2:
git clone
cd pyroute2; sudo make install
git clone
cd networkx; sudo make install
Q: fails with:
OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
......@@ -99,13 +99,6 @@ cd pyroute2; sudo make install
sudo python /usr/share/bcc/examples/
(Optional) Install networkx for additional deadlock detector features
cd networkx; sudo make install
sudo python /usr/share/bcc/tools/
## Fedora - Binary
Install a 4.2+ kernel from
......@@ -207,7 +200,6 @@ sudo dnf install -y luajit luajit-devel # for Lua support
sudo dnf install -y \
sudo pip install pyroute2
sudo pip install networkx
### Install binary clang
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Maintainer: Brenden Blanco <>
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 3.9.5
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), cmake, libllvm3.7 | libllvm3.8, llvm-3.7-dev | llvm-3.8-dev, libclang-3.7-dev | libclang-3.8-dev, libelf-dev, bison, flex, libedit-dev, clang-format | clang-format-3.7, python-netaddr, python-networkx, python-pyroute2, luajit, libluajit-5.1-dev
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), cmake, libllvm3.7 | libllvm3.8, llvm-3.7-dev | llvm-3.8-dev, libclang-3.7-dev | libclang-3.8-dev, libelf-dev, bison, flex, libedit-dev, clang-format | clang-format-3.7, python-netaddr, python-pyroute2, luajit, libluajit-5.1-dev
Package: libbcc
......@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
deadlock_detector \- Find potential deadlocks (lock order inversions)
in a running program.
.B deadlock_detector [\-h] [\--dump-graph FILE]
[\--lock-symbols LOCK_SYMBOLS] [\--unlock-symbols UNLOCK_SYMBOLS] binary pid
.B deadlock_detector [\-h] [\--binary BINARY] [\--dump-graph DUMP_GRAPH]
.B [\--verbose] [\--lock-symbols LOCK_SYMBOLS]
.B [\--unlock-symbols UNLOCK_SYMBOLS]
.B pid
deadlock_detector detects potential deadlocks on a running process. The program
deadlock_detector finds potential deadlocks in a running process. The program
attaches uprobes on `pthread_mutex_lock` and `pthread_mutex_unlock` by default
to build a mutex wait directed graph, and then looks for a cycle in this graph.
This graph has the following properties:
......@@ -29,38 +31,56 @@ This tool does not work for shared mutexes or recursive mutexes.
Since this uses BPF, only the root user can use this tool.
CONFIG_BPF, bcc, and networkx
CONFIG_BPF and bcc
\-h, --help
show this help message and exit
\--binary BINARY
If set, use this as the path to the binary for the process.
\--dump-graph DUMP_GRAPH
If set, this will dump the mutex graph to the specified file.
Print statistics about the mutex wait graph.
\--lock-symbols LOCK_SYMBOLS
Comma-separated list of lock symbols to trace. Default is pthread_mutex_lock
\--unlock-symbols UNLOCK_SYMBOLS
Comma-separated list of unlock symbols to trace. Default is pthread_mutex_unlock
Absolute path to binary
Pid to trace
Find potential deadlocks in a process:
.B deadlock_detector /path/to/binary $(pidof binary)
.B deadlock_detector $(pidof binary)
Find potential deadlocks in a process and dump the mutex wait graph to a file:
.B deadlock_detector /path/to/binary $(pidof binary) --dump-graph graph.json
.B deadlock_detector $(pidof binary) --dump-graph graph.json
Find potential deadlocks in a process and print mutex wait graph statistics:
.B deadlock_detector $(pidof binary) --verbose
Find potential deadlocks in a process with custom mutexes:
.B deadlock_detector /path/to/binary $(pidof binary)
--lock-symbols custom_mutex1_lock,custom_mutex2_lock
--unlock_symbols custom_mutex1_unlock,custom_mutex2_unlock
.B deadlock_detector $(pidof binary)
.B --lock-symbols custom_mutex1_lock,custom_mutex2_lock
.B --unlock_symbols custom_mutex1_unlock,custom_mutex2_unlock
Find potential deadlocks in a process, and provide the path to the binary. On \
older kernels without, binaries that \
contain `:` in the path cannot be attached with uprobes. As a workaround, we \
can create a symlink to the binary, and provide the symlink name instead with \
the `--binary` option:
.B deadlock_detector $(pidof binary) --binary /path/to/program
This program does not output any fields. Rather, it will keep running until
it finds a potential deadlock, or the user hits Ctrl-C. If the program finds
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
# deadlock_detector Detects potential deadlocks (lock order inversions)
# on a running process. For Linux, uses BCC, eBPF.
# USAGE: [-h] [--dump-graph DUMP_GRAPH]
# [--lock-symbols LOCK_SYMBOLS]
# USAGE: [-h] [--binary BINARY] [--dump-graph DUMP_GRAPH]
# [--verbose] [--lock-symbols LOCK_SYMBOLS]
# [--unlock-symbols UNLOCK_SYMBOLS]
# binary pid
# pid
# This traces pthread mutex lock and unlock calls to build a directed graph
# representing the mutex wait graph:
......@@ -19,6 +19,15 @@
# the cycle of mutexes and the stack traces where each mutex was acquired, and
# then exit.
# This program can only find potential deadlocks that occur while the program
# is tracing the process. It cannot find deadlocks that may have occurred
# before the program was attached to the process.
# Since this traces all mutex lock and unlock events and all thread creation
# events on the traced process, the overhead of this bpf program can be very
# high if the process has many threads and mutexes. You should only run this on
# a process where the slowdown is acceptable.
# Note: This tool does not work for shared mutexes or recursive mutexes.
# For shared (read-write) mutexes, a deadlock requires a cycle in the wait
......@@ -39,24 +48,227 @@ from __future__ import (
absolute_import, division, unicode_literals, print_function
from bcc import BPF
from collections import defaultdict
import argparse
import json
import networkx
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time
class DiGraph(object):
Adapted from networkx:
Represents a directed graph. Edges can store (key, value) attributes.
def __init__(self):
# Map of node -> set of nodes
self.adjacency_map = {}
# Map of (node1, node2) -> map string -> arbitrary attribute
# This will not be copied in subgraph()
self.attributes_map = {}
def neighbors(self, node):
return self.adjacency_map.get(node, set())
def edges(self):
edges = []
for node, neighbors in self.adjacency_map.items():
for neighbor in neighbors:
edges.append((node, neighbor))
return edges
def nodes(self):
return self.adjacency_map.keys()
def attributes(self, node1, node2):
return self.attributes_map[(node1, node2)]
def add_edge(self, node1, node2, **kwargs):
if node1 not in self.adjacency_map:
self.adjacency_map[node1] = set()
if node2 not in self.adjacency_map:
self.adjacency_map[node2] = set()
self.attributes_map[(node1, node2)] = kwargs
def remove_node(self, node):
self.adjacency_map.pop(node, None)
for _, neighbors in self.adjacency_map.items():
def subgraph(self, nodes):
graph = DiGraph()
for node in nodes:
for neighbor in self.neighbors(node):
if neighbor in nodes:
graph.add_edge(node, neighbor)
return graph
def node_link_data(self):
Returns the graph as a dictionary in a format that can be
data = {
'directed': True,
'multigraph': False,
'graph': {},
'links': [],
'nodes': [],
# Do one pass to build a map of node -> position in nodes
node_to_number = {}
for node in self.adjacency_map.keys():
node_to_number[node] = len(data['nodes'])
data['nodes'].append({'id': node})
# Do another pass to build the link information
for node, neighbors in self.adjacency_map.items():
for neighbor in neighbors:
link = self.attributes_map[(node, neighbor)].copy()
link['source'] = node_to_number[node]
link['target'] = node_to_number[neighbor]
return data
def strongly_connected_components(G):
Adapted from networkx:
G : DiGraph
comp : generator of sets
A generator of sets of nodes, one for each strongly connected
component of G.
preorder = {}
lowlink = {}
scc_found = {}
scc_queue = []
i = 0 # Preorder counter
for source in G.nodes():
if source not in scc_found:
queue = [source]
while queue:
v = queue[-1]
if v not in preorder:
i = i + 1
preorder[v] = i
done = 1
v_nbrs = G.neighbors(v)
for w in v_nbrs:
if w not in preorder:
done = 0
if done == 1:
lowlink[v] = preorder[v]
for w in v_nbrs:
if w not in scc_found:
if preorder[w] > preorder[v]:
lowlink[v] = min([lowlink[v], lowlink[w]])
lowlink[v] = min([lowlink[v], preorder[w]])
if lowlink[v] == preorder[v]:
scc_found[v] = True
scc = {v}
while (
scc_queue and preorder[scc_queue[-1]] > preorder[v]
k = scc_queue.pop()
scc_found[k] = True
yield scc
def simple_cycles(G):
Adapted from networkx:
G : DiGraph
cycle_generator: generator
A generator that produces elementary cycles of the graph.
Each cycle is represented by a list of nodes along the cycle.
def _unblock(thisnode, blocked, B):
stack = set([thisnode])
while stack:
node = stack.pop()
if node in blocked:
# Johnson's algorithm requires some ordering of the nodes.
# We assign the arbitrary ordering given by the strongly connected comps
# There is no need to track the ordering as each node removed as processed.
# save the actual graph so we can mutate it here
# We only take the edges because we do not want to
# copy edge and node attributes here.
subG = G.subgraph(G.nodes())
sccs = list(strongly_connected_components(subG))
while sccs:
scc = sccs.pop()
# order of scc determines ordering of nodes
startnode = scc.pop()
# Processing node runs 'circuit' routine from recursive version
path = [startnode]
blocked = set() # vertex: blocked from search?
closed = set() # nodes involved in a cycle
B = defaultdict(set) # graph portions that yield no elementary circuit
stack = [(startnode, list(subG.neighbors(startnode)))]
while stack:
thisnode, nbrs = stack[-1]
if nbrs:
nextnode = nbrs.pop()
if nextnode == startnode:
yield path[:]
elif nextnode not in blocked:
stack.append((nextnode, list(subG.neighbors(nextnode))))
# done with nextnode... look for more neighbors
if not nbrs: # no more nbrs
if thisnode in closed:
_unblock(thisnode, blocked, B)
for nbr in subG.neighbors(thisnode):
if thisnode not in B[nbr]:
# done processing this node
H = subG.subgraph(scc) # make smaller to avoid work in SCC routine
def find_cycle(graph):
Looks for a cycle in the graph. If found, returns the first cycle.
If nodes a1, a2, ..., an are in a cycle, then this returns:
[(a1,a2), (a2,a3), ... (an-1,an), (an, a1)]
[(a1,a2), (a2,a3), ... (an-1,an), (an, a1)]
Otherwise returns an empty list.
cycles = list(networkx.simple_cycles(graph))
cycles = list(simple_cycles(graph))
if cycles:
nodes = cycles[0]
......@@ -70,10 +282,9 @@ def find_cycle(graph):
return []
def find_cycle_and_print(graph, thread_to_parent, print_stack_trace_fn):
def print_cycle(binary, graph, edges, thread_info, print_stack_trace_fn):
Detects if there is a cycle in the mutex graph. If there is, dump
the following information and return True. Otherwise returns False.
Prints the cycle in the mutex graph in the following format:
Potential Deadlock Detected!
......@@ -90,9 +301,6 @@ def find_cycle_and_print(graph, thread_to_parent, print_stack_trace_fn):
Thread T was created here:
[ stack trace ]
edges = find_cycle(graph)
if not edges:
return False
# List of mutexes in the cycle, first and last repeated
nodes_in_order = []
......@@ -100,7 +308,11 @@ def find_cycle_and_print(graph, thread_to_parent, print_stack_trace_fn):
node_addr_to_name = {}
for counter, (m, n) in enumerate(edges):
node_addr_to_name[m] = 'Mutex M%d (0x%016x)' % (counter, m)
# For global or static variables, try to symbolize the mutex address.
symbol = symbolize_with_objdump(binary, m)
if symbol:
symbol += ' '
node_addr_to_name[m] = 'Mutex M%d (%s0x%016x)' % (counter, symbol, m)
print('----------------\nPotential Deadlock Detected!\n')
......@@ -114,10 +326,10 @@ def find_cycle_and_print(graph, thread_to_parent, print_stack_trace_fn):
# For each edge in the cycle, print where the two mutexes were held
for (m, n) in edges:
thread_pid = graph[m][n]['thread_pid']
thread_comm = graph[m][n]['thread_comm']
first_mutex_stack_id = graph[m][n]['first_mutex_stack_id']
second_mutex_stack_id = graph[m][n]['second_mutex_stack_id']
thread_pid = graph.attributes(m, n)['thread_pid']
thread_comm = graph.attributes(m, n)['thread_comm']
first_mutex_stack_id = graph.attributes(m, n)['first_mutex_stack_id']
second_mutex_stack_id = graph.attributes(m, n)['second_mutex_stack_id']
'%s acquired here while holding %s in Thread %d (%s):' % (
......@@ -136,7 +348,7 @@ def find_cycle_and_print(graph, thread_to_parent, print_stack_trace_fn):
# Print where the threads were created, if available
for thread_pid in thread_pids:
parent_pid, stack_id, parent_comm = thread_to_parent.get(
parent_pid, stack_id, parent_comm = thread_info.get(
thread_pid, (None, None, None)
if parent_pid:
......@@ -151,13 +363,26 @@ def find_cycle_and_print(graph, thread_to_parent, print_stack_trace_fn):
return True
def strlist(s):
def symbolize_with_objdump(binary, addr):
Given a comma-separated string, returns a list of substrings
Searches the biniary for the address using objdump. Returns the symbol if
it is found, otherwise returns empty string.
command = (
'objdump -tT %s | grep %x | awk {\'print $NF\'} | c++filt' %
(binary, addr)
output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
return output.decode('utf-8').strip()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return ''
def strlist(s):
'''Given a comma-separated string, returns a list of substrings'''
return s.strip().split(',')
......@@ -168,14 +393,27 @@ def main():
' Must be run as root.'
parser.add_argument('binary', type=str, help='Absolute path to binary')
parser.add_argument('pid', type=int, help='Pid to trace')
# Binaries with `:` in the path will fail to attach uprobes on kernels
# running without this patch:
# Symlinks to the binary without `:` in the path can get around this issue.
help='If set, use this as the path to the binary for the process.',
help='If set, this will dump the mutex graph to the specified file.',
help='Print statistics about the mutex wait graph.',
......@@ -191,19 +429,24 @@ def main():
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.binary:
args.binary = os.readlink('/proc/%d/exe' %
except OSError as e:
print('%s. Is the process (pid=%d) running?' % (str(e),
bpf = BPF(src_file='deadlock_detector.c')
# Trace where threads are created
event='sys_clone', fn_name='trace_clone',
# We must trace unlock first, otherwise in the time we attached the probe
# on lock() and have not yet attached the probe on unlock(), a thread
# can acquire multiple mutexes and released them, but the release
# events will not be traced, resulting in noisy reports.
# on lock() and have not yet attached the probe on unlock(), a thread can
# acquire mutexes and release them, but the release events will not be
# traced, resulting in noisy reports.
for symbol in args.unlock_symbols:
......@@ -213,7 +456,7 @@ def main():,
except Exception as e:
print('%s. Failed to attach to symbol: %s' % (str(e), symbol))
for symbol in args.lock_symbols:
......@@ -224,24 +467,33 @@ def main():,
except Exception as e:
print('%s. Failed to attach to symbol: %s' % (str(e), symbol))
def print_stack_trace(stack_id):
Closure that prints the symbolized stack trace. Captures: `bpf`, `args`
'''Closure that prints the symbolized stack trace.'''
for addr in bpf.get_table('stack_traces').walk(stack_id):
line = bpf.sym(addr,
# Try to symbolize with objdump if we cannot with bpf.
if line == '[unknown]':
symbol = symbolize_with_objdump(args.binary, addr)
if symbol:
line = symbol
print('@ %016x %s' % (addr, line))
print('Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.')
while True:
# Map of child thread pid -> parent info
thread_info = {
child.value: (parent.parent_pid, parent.stack_id, parent.comm)
for child, parent in bpf.get_table('thread_to_parent').items()
# Mutex wait directed graph. Nodes are mutexes. Edge (A,B) exists
# if there exists some thread T where lock(A) was called and
# lock(B) was called before unlock(A) was called.
graph = networkx.DiGraph()
graph = DiGraph()
for key, leaf in bpf.get_table('edges').items():
......@@ -251,26 +503,21 @@ def main():
if args.verbose:
'Mutexes: %d, Edges: %d' %
(len(graph.nodes()), len(graph.edges()))
if args.dump_graph:
with open(args.dump_graph, 'w') as f:
data = json_graph.node_link_data(graph)
data = graph.node_link_data()
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=2))
# Map of child thread pid -> parent info
thread_to_parent_dict = {
child.value: (parent.parent_pid, parent.stack_id, parent.comm)
for child, parent in bpf.get_table('thread_to_parent').items()
start = time.time()
has_cycle = find_cycle_and_print(
graph, thread_to_parent_dict, print_stack_trace
'Nodes: %d, Edges: %d, Looking for cycle took %f seconds' %
(len(graph.nodes()), len(graph.edges()), (time.time() - start))
if has_cycle:
cycle = find_cycle(graph)
if cycle:
args.binary, graph, cycle, thread_info, print_stack_trace
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