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  • Matthias Maennich's avatar
    Bump GNU Make compatibility version · 187a78b3
    Matthias Maennich authored
    Update the GNU Make compatibility version (MAKE_VERSION) to 4.2.1. The
    previously used version 3.81 had been released 2006 the latest 3.x
    version is 3.82, released in 2010. With today's toolchains it is quite a
    bit of work to still get a 3.81 compiled and odds are that Kati users
    are on newer systems anyway (Kati is compiled with C++17).
    Lastly, as of today we validate ckati against the GNU Make provided in
    Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, which is currently 4.2.1. So, the best we can say
    about compatibility is declaring MAKE_VERSION=4.2.1
    In order to safeguard this, add explicit steps to use a 4.2.1 GNU Make
    for testing in the github actions and add some documentation to achieve
    the same result when testing locally.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMatthias Maennich <>