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Commit b1fab6da authored by josh_hsu's avatar josh_hsu Committed by Carol_Jiang
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HSUART:fix the hsuart multi-thread sync issue

Fix a multi thread sync issue descript as blew steps, this issue case BT
HCI command timeout issue.
a)sps connection can be closed in msm_hs_check_clock_off(the first
b)msm_hs_check_clock_off return 0 after send a clk_off_timer msg to
close sps connection
c)when clk_off_timer is timeout, hsuart_clock_off_work will be invoked,
so msm_hs_check_clock_off is invoked for the second time
d)if there is a data/command comes from stack now, uart circular buf
won't be empty, that meas uart_circ_empty(tx_buf) will return false
e)if uart_circ_empty(tx_buf) return fasle, msm_hs_check_clock_off only
set msm_uport->clk_state to MSM_HS_CLK_ON.
  but the sps connection will not be opened any more.
  f)now if there a data/command from stack again
    because the sps connection is still close, so the uart can't
    thansfer the command/data any more.
      so here open sps connection again

Change-Id: If81fdcfb376ef50667dc6ff9762cd05238d13dd6
Reviewed-on: http://mcrd1-22-...
parent ee406865
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