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  • Geoffrey Martin-Noble's avatar
    Relicense IREE under the LLVM license (#6020) · 552d3f88
    Geoffrey Martin-Noble authored
    To facilitate easy movement between IREE and upstream LLVM, we are
    relicensing under the same license: the Apache 2.0 License with LLVM
    Exceptions (, SPDX-License-Identifier:
    Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception).
    In addition, we are moving to a Copyright header format that attributes
    copyright to "The IREE Authors" and uses a separate AUTHORS file to
    keep track of contributions. For this PR, I am just listing Google, but
    I will send follow-ups to list Fraunhofer IML and Nod Labs (keeping it
    separate so I can get those folks approval for the precise wording).
    Note that the change to the header format is to recognize the valuable
    contributions from our external collaborators and as always copyright is
    retained by the author.
    See the announcement at
    The script I used to update (almost) all the headers is at
    The updates from that script are all in one commit. I recommend
    reviewing the other commits separately from that one. You can also see
    the raw diff from that change at
    As part of this, I had to manually fiddle with ipynb files (actually
    that was the most time-consuming aspect). I changed the format of the
    license headers there to just be a block of markdown text rather than
    something that was for some reason executable. Also had to manually give
    the cells IDs, which hopefully will have worked.
    To resolve the inevitable merge conflicts, I will likely drop the
    changes from the script and rerun.
    $ grep -r --exclude-dir=third_party "Google LLC" . | grep -v website/site
    ./AUTHORS:Google LLC
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Learn more