diff --git a/arch/x86/crypto/Makefile b/arch/x86/crypto/Makefile
index 61d6e281898b5159f4218e5339fddb9de3191a2f..a470de25570fbdfb45c450c463b53e613d45315c 100644
--- a/arch/x86/crypto/Makefile
+++ b/arch/x86/crypto/Makefile
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_SALSA20_586) += salsa20-i586.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_SERPENT_SSE2_586) += serpent-sse2-i586.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_X86_64) += aes-x86_64.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DES3_EDE_X86_64) += des3_ede-x86_64.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_CAMELLIA_X86_64) += camellia-x86_64.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_BLOWFISH_X86_64) += blowfish-x86_64.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_TWOFISH_X86_64) += twofish-x86_64.o
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ salsa20-i586-y := salsa20-i586-asm_32.o salsa20_glue.o
 serpent-sse2-i586-y := serpent-sse2-i586-asm_32.o serpent_sse2_glue.o
 aes-x86_64-y := aes-x86_64-asm_64.o aes_glue.o
+des3_ede-x86_64-y := des3_ede-asm_64.o des3_ede_glue.o
 camellia-x86_64-y := camellia-x86_64-asm_64.o camellia_glue.o
 blowfish-x86_64-y := blowfish-x86_64-asm_64.o blowfish_glue.o
 twofish-x86_64-y := twofish-x86_64-asm_64.o twofish_glue.o
diff --git a/arch/x86/crypto/des3_ede-asm_64.S b/arch/x86/crypto/des3_ede-asm_64.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..038f6ae87c5eea2890eaa548f9e9bdab16af8ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/crypto/des3_ede-asm_64.S
@@ -0,0 +1,805 @@
+ * des3_ede-asm_64.S  -  x86-64 assembly implementation of 3DES cipher
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2014 Jussi Kivilinna <jussi.kivilinna@iki.fi>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include <linux/linkage.h>
+.file "des3_ede-asm_64.S"
+#define s1 .L_s1
+#define s2 ((s1) + (64*8))
+#define s3 ((s2) + (64*8))
+#define s4 ((s3) + (64*8))
+#define s5 ((s4) + (64*8))
+#define s6 ((s5) + (64*8))
+#define s7 ((s6) + (64*8))
+#define s8 ((s7) + (64*8))
+/* register macros */
+#define CTX %rdi
+#define RL0 %r8
+#define RL1 %r9
+#define RL2 %r10
+#define RL0d %r8d
+#define RL1d %r9d
+#define RL2d %r10d
+#define RR0 %r11
+#define RR1 %r12
+#define RR2 %r13
+#define RR0d %r11d
+#define RR1d %r12d
+#define RR2d %r13d
+#define RW0 %rax
+#define RW1 %rbx
+#define RW2 %rcx
+#define RW0d %eax
+#define RW1d %ebx
+#define RW2d %ecx
+#define RW0bl %al
+#define RW1bl %bl
+#define RW2bl %cl
+#define RW0bh %ah
+#define RW1bh %bh
+#define RW2bh %ch
+#define RT0 %r15
+#define RT1 %rbp
+#define RT2 %r14
+#define RT3 %rdx
+#define RT0d %r15d
+#define RT1d %ebp
+#define RT2d %r14d
+#define RT3d %edx
+ * 1-way 3DES
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#define do_permutation(a, b, offset, mask) \
+	movl a, RT0d; \
+	shrl $(offset), RT0d; \
+	xorl b, RT0d; \
+	andl $(mask), RT0d; \
+	xorl RT0d, b; \
+	shll $(offset), RT0d; \
+	xorl RT0d, a;
+#define expand_to_64bits(val, mask) \
+	movl val##d, RT0d; \
+	rorl $4, RT0d; \
+	shlq $32, RT0; \
+	orq RT0, val; \
+	andq mask, val;
+#define compress_to_64bits(val) \
+	movq val, RT0; \
+	shrq $32, RT0; \
+	roll $4, RT0d; \
+	orl RT0d, val##d;
+#define initial_permutation(left, right) \
+	do_permutation(left##d, right##d,  4, 0x0f0f0f0f); \
+	do_permutation(left##d, right##d, 16, 0x0000ffff); \
+	do_permutation(right##d, left##d,  2, 0x33333333); \
+	do_permutation(right##d, left##d,  8, 0x00ff00ff); \
+	movabs $0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f, RT3; \
+	movl left##d, RW0d; \
+	roll $1, right##d; \
+	xorl right##d, RW0d; \
+	andl $0xaaaaaaaa, RW0d; \
+	xorl RW0d, left##d; \
+	xorl RW0d, right##d; \
+	roll $1, left##d; \
+	expand_to_64bits(right, RT3); \
+	expand_to_64bits(left, RT3);
+#define final_permutation(left, right) \
+	compress_to_64bits(right); \
+	compress_to_64bits(left); \
+	movl right##d, RW0d; \
+	rorl $1, left##d; \
+	xorl left##d, RW0d; \
+	andl $0xaaaaaaaa, RW0d; \
+	xorl RW0d, right##d; \
+	xorl RW0d, left##d; \
+	rorl $1, right##d; \
+	do_permutation(right##d, left##d,  8, 0x00ff00ff); \
+	do_permutation(right##d, left##d,  2, 0x33333333); \
+	do_permutation(left##d, right##d, 16, 0x0000ffff); \
+	do_permutation(left##d, right##d,  4, 0x0f0f0f0f);
+#define round1(n, from, to, load_next_key) \
+	xorq from, RW0; \
+	\
+	movzbl RW0bl, RT0d; \
+	movzbl RW0bh, RT1d; \
+	shrq $16, RW0; \
+	movzbl RW0bl, RT2d; \
+	movzbl RW0bh, RT3d; \
+	shrq $16, RW0; \
+	movq s8(, RT0, 8), RT0; \
+	xorq s6(, RT1, 8), to; \
+	movzbl RW0bl, RL1d; \
+	movzbl RW0bh, RT1d; \
+	shrl $16, RW0d; \
+	xorq s4(, RT2, 8), RT0; \
+	xorq s2(, RT3, 8), to; \
+	movzbl RW0bl, RT2d; \
+	movzbl RW0bh, RT3d; \
+	xorq s7(, RL1, 8), RT0; \
+	xorq s5(, RT1, 8), to; \
+	xorq s3(, RT2, 8), RT0; \
+	load_next_key(n, RW0); \
+	xorq RT0, to; \
+	xorq s1(, RT3, 8), to; \
+#define load_next_key(n, RWx) \
+	movq (((n) + 1) * 8)(CTX), RWx;
+#define dummy2(a, b) /*_*/
+#define read_block(io, left, right) \
+	movl    (io), left##d; \
+	movl   4(io), right##d; \
+	bswapl left##d; \
+	bswapl right##d;
+#define write_block(io, left, right) \
+	bswapl left##d; \
+	bswapl right##d; \
+	movl   left##d,   (io); \
+	movl   right##d, 4(io);
+	/* input:
+	 *	%rdi: round keys, CTX
+	 *	%rsi: dst
+	 *	%rdx: src
+	 */
+	pushq %rbp;
+	pushq %rbx;
+	pushq %r12;
+	pushq %r13;
+	pushq %r14;
+	pushq %r15;
+	read_block(%rdx, RL0, RR0);
+	initial_permutation(RL0, RR0);
+	movq (CTX), RW0;
+	round1(0, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(1, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(2, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(3, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(4, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(5, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(6, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(7, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(8, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(9, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(10, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(11, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(12, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(13, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(14, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(15, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+0, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+1, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+2, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+3, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+4, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+5, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+6, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+7, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+8, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+9, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+10, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+11, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+12, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+13, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+14, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(16+15, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+0, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+1, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+2, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+3, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+4, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+5, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+6, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+7, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+8, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+9, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+10, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+11, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+12, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+13, RL0, RR0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+14, RR0, RL0, load_next_key);
+	round1(32+15, RL0, RR0, dummy2);
+	final_permutation(RR0, RL0);
+	write_block(%rsi, RR0, RL0);
+	popq %r15;
+	popq %r14;
+	popq %r13;
+	popq %r12;
+	popq %rbx;
+	popq %rbp;
+	ret;
+ * 3-way 3DES
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#define expand_to_64bits(val, mask) \
+	movl val##d, RT0d; \
+	rorl $4, RT0d; \
+	shlq $32, RT0; \
+	orq RT0, val; \
+	andq mask, val;
+#define compress_to_64bits(val) \
+	movq val, RT0; \
+	shrq $32, RT0; \
+	roll $4, RT0d; \
+	orl RT0d, val##d;
+#define initial_permutation3(left, right) \
+	do_permutation(left##0d, right##0d,  4, 0x0f0f0f0f); \
+	do_permutation(left##0d, right##0d, 16, 0x0000ffff); \
+	  do_permutation(left##1d, right##1d,  4, 0x0f0f0f0f); \
+	  do_permutation(left##1d, right##1d, 16, 0x0000ffff); \
+	    do_permutation(left##2d, right##2d,  4, 0x0f0f0f0f); \
+	    do_permutation(left##2d, right##2d, 16, 0x0000ffff); \
+	    \
+	do_permutation(right##0d, left##0d,  2, 0x33333333); \
+	do_permutation(right##0d, left##0d,  8, 0x00ff00ff); \
+	  do_permutation(right##1d, left##1d,  2, 0x33333333); \
+	  do_permutation(right##1d, left##1d,  8, 0x00ff00ff); \
+	    do_permutation(right##2d, left##2d,  2, 0x33333333); \
+	    do_permutation(right##2d, left##2d,  8, 0x00ff00ff); \
+	    \
+	movabs $0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f, RT3; \
+	    \
+	movl left##0d, RW0d; \
+	roll $1, right##0d; \
+	xorl right##0d, RW0d; \
+	andl $0xaaaaaaaa, RW0d; \
+	xorl RW0d, left##0d; \
+	xorl RW0d, right##0d; \
+	roll $1, left##0d; \
+	expand_to_64bits(right##0, RT3); \
+	expand_to_64bits(left##0, RT3); \
+	  movl left##1d, RW1d; \
+	  roll $1, right##1d; \
+	  xorl right##1d, RW1d; \
+	  andl $0xaaaaaaaa, RW1d; \
+	  xorl RW1d, left##1d; \
+	  xorl RW1d, right##1d; \
+	  roll $1, left##1d; \
+	  expand_to_64bits(right##1, RT3); \
+	  expand_to_64bits(left##1, RT3); \
+	    movl left##2d, RW2d; \
+	    roll $1, right##2d; \
+	    xorl right##2d, RW2d; \
+	    andl $0xaaaaaaaa, RW2d; \
+	    xorl RW2d, left##2d; \
+	    xorl RW2d, right##2d; \
+	    roll $1, left##2d; \
+	    expand_to_64bits(right##2, RT3); \
+	    expand_to_64bits(left##2, RT3);
+#define final_permutation3(left, right) \
+	compress_to_64bits(right##0); \
+	compress_to_64bits(left##0); \
+	movl right##0d, RW0d; \
+	rorl $1, left##0d; \
+	xorl left##0d, RW0d; \
+	andl $0xaaaaaaaa, RW0d; \
+	xorl RW0d, right##0d; \
+	xorl RW0d, left##0d; \
+	rorl $1, right##0d; \
+	  compress_to_64bits(right##1); \
+	  compress_to_64bits(left##1); \
+	  movl right##1d, RW1d; \
+	  rorl $1, left##1d; \
+	  xorl left##1d, RW1d; \
+	  andl $0xaaaaaaaa, RW1d; \
+	  xorl RW1d, right##1d; \
+	  xorl RW1d, left##1d; \
+	  rorl $1, right##1d; \
+	    compress_to_64bits(right##2); \
+	    compress_to_64bits(left##2); \
+	    movl right##2d, RW2d; \
+	    rorl $1, left##2d; \
+	    xorl left##2d, RW2d; \
+	    andl $0xaaaaaaaa, RW2d; \
+	    xorl RW2d, right##2d; \
+	    xorl RW2d, left##2d; \
+	    rorl $1, right##2d; \
+	    \
+	do_permutation(right##0d, left##0d,  8, 0x00ff00ff); \
+	do_permutation(right##0d, left##0d,  2, 0x33333333); \
+	  do_permutation(right##1d, left##1d,  8, 0x00ff00ff); \
+	  do_permutation(right##1d, left##1d,  2, 0x33333333); \
+	    do_permutation(right##2d, left##2d,  8, 0x00ff00ff); \
+	    do_permutation(right##2d, left##2d,  2, 0x33333333); \
+	    \
+	do_permutation(left##0d, right##0d, 16, 0x0000ffff); \
+	do_permutation(left##0d, right##0d,  4, 0x0f0f0f0f); \
+	  do_permutation(left##1d, right##1d, 16, 0x0000ffff); \
+	  do_permutation(left##1d, right##1d,  4, 0x0f0f0f0f); \
+	    do_permutation(left##2d, right##2d, 16, 0x0000ffff); \
+	    do_permutation(left##2d, right##2d,  4, 0x0f0f0f0f);
+#define round3(n, from, to, load_next_key, do_movq) \
+	xorq from##0, RW0; \
+	movzbl RW0bl, RT3d; \
+	movzbl RW0bh, RT1d; \
+	shrq $16, RW0; \
+	xorq s8(, RT3, 8), to##0; \
+	xorq s6(, RT1, 8), to##0; \
+	movzbl RW0bl, RT3d; \
+	movzbl RW0bh, RT1d; \
+	shrq $16, RW0; \
+	xorq s4(, RT3, 8), to##0; \
+	xorq s2(, RT1, 8), to##0; \
+	movzbl RW0bl, RT3d; \
+	movzbl RW0bh, RT1d; \
+	shrl $16, RW0d; \
+	xorq s7(, RT3, 8), to##0; \
+	xorq s5(, RT1, 8), to##0; \
+	movzbl RW0bl, RT3d; \
+	movzbl RW0bh, RT1d; \
+	load_next_key(n, RW0); \
+	xorq s3(, RT3, 8), to##0; \
+	xorq s1(, RT1, 8), to##0; \
+		xorq from##1, RW1; \
+		movzbl RW1bl, RT3d; \
+		movzbl RW1bh, RT1d; \
+		shrq $16, RW1; \
+		xorq s8(, RT3, 8), to##1; \
+		xorq s6(, RT1, 8), to##1; \
+		movzbl RW1bl, RT3d; \
+		movzbl RW1bh, RT1d; \
+		shrq $16, RW1; \
+		xorq s4(, RT3, 8), to##1; \
+		xorq s2(, RT1, 8), to##1; \
+		movzbl RW1bl, RT3d; \
+		movzbl RW1bh, RT1d; \
+		shrl $16, RW1d; \
+		xorq s7(, RT3, 8), to##1; \
+		xorq s5(, RT1, 8), to##1; \
+		movzbl RW1bl, RT3d; \
+		movzbl RW1bh, RT1d; \
+		do_movq(RW0, RW1); \
+		xorq s3(, RT3, 8), to##1; \
+		xorq s1(, RT1, 8), to##1; \
+			xorq from##2, RW2; \
+			movzbl RW2bl, RT3d; \
+			movzbl RW2bh, RT1d; \
+			shrq $16, RW2; \
+			xorq s8(, RT3, 8), to##2; \
+			xorq s6(, RT1, 8), to##2; \
+			movzbl RW2bl, RT3d; \
+			movzbl RW2bh, RT1d; \
+			shrq $16, RW2; \
+			xorq s4(, RT3, 8), to##2; \
+			xorq s2(, RT1, 8), to##2; \
+			movzbl RW2bl, RT3d; \
+			movzbl RW2bh, RT1d; \
+			shrl $16, RW2d; \
+			xorq s7(, RT3, 8), to##2; \
+			xorq s5(, RT1, 8), to##2; \
+			movzbl RW2bl, RT3d; \
+			movzbl RW2bh, RT1d; \
+			do_movq(RW0, RW2); \
+			xorq s3(, RT3, 8), to##2; \
+			xorq s1(, RT1, 8), to##2;
+#define __movq(src, dst) \
+	movq src, dst;
+	/* input:
+	 *	%rdi: ctx, round keys
+	 *	%rsi: dst (3 blocks)
+	 *	%rdx: src (3 blocks)
+	 */
+	pushq %rbp;
+	pushq %rbx;
+	pushq %r12;
+	pushq %r13;
+	pushq %r14;
+	pushq %r15;
+	/* load input */
+	movl 0 * 4(%rdx), RL0d;
+	movl 1 * 4(%rdx), RR0d;
+	movl 2 * 4(%rdx), RL1d;
+	movl 3 * 4(%rdx), RR1d;
+	movl 4 * 4(%rdx), RL2d;
+	movl 5 * 4(%rdx), RR2d;
+	bswapl RL0d;
+	bswapl RR0d;
+	bswapl RL1d;
+	bswapl RR1d;
+	bswapl RL2d;
+	bswapl RR2d;
+	initial_permutation3(RL, RR);
+	movq 0(CTX), RW0;
+	movq RW0, RW1;
+	movq RW0, RW2;
+	round3(0, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(1, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(2, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(3, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(4, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(5, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(6, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(7, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(8, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(9, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(10, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(11, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(12, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(13, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(14, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(15, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+0, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+1, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+2, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+3, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+4, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+5, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+6, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+7, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+8, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+9, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+10, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+11, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+12, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+13, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+14, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(16+15, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+0, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+1, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+2, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+3, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+4, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+5, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+6, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+7, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+8, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+9, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+10, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+11, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+12, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+13, RL, RR, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+14, RR, RL, load_next_key, __movq);
+	round3(32+15, RL, RR, dummy2, dummy2);
+	final_permutation3(RR, RL);
+	bswapl RR0d;
+	bswapl RL0d;
+	bswapl RR1d;
+	bswapl RL1d;
+	bswapl RR2d;
+	bswapl RL2d;
+	movl RR0d, 0 * 4(%rsi);
+	movl RL0d, 1 * 4(%rsi);
+	movl RR1d, 2 * 4(%rsi);
+	movl RL1d, 3 * 4(%rsi);
+	movl RR2d, 4 * 4(%rsi);
+	movl RL2d, 5 * 4(%rsi);
+	popq %r15;
+	popq %r14;
+	popq %r13;
+	popq %r12;
+	popq %rbx;
+	popq %rbp;
+	ret;
+.align 16
+	.quad 0x0010100001010400, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0000100000010000, 0x0010100001010404
+	.quad 0x0010100001010004, 0x0000100000010404
+	.quad 0x0000000000000004, 0x0000100000010000
+	.quad 0x0000000000000400, 0x0010100001010400
+	.quad 0x0010100001010404, 0x0000000000000400
+	.quad 0x0010000001000404, 0x0010100001010004
+	.quad 0x0010000001000000, 0x0000000000000004
+	.quad 0x0000000000000404, 0x0010000001000400
+	.quad 0x0010000001000400, 0x0000100000010400
+	.quad 0x0000100000010400, 0x0010100001010000
+	.quad 0x0010100001010000, 0x0010000001000404
+	.quad 0x0000100000010004, 0x0010000001000004
+	.quad 0x0010000001000004, 0x0000100000010004
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000404
+	.quad 0x0000100000010404, 0x0010000001000000
+	.quad 0x0000100000010000, 0x0010100001010404
+	.quad 0x0000000000000004, 0x0010100001010000
+	.quad 0x0010100001010400, 0x0010000001000000
+	.quad 0x0010000001000000, 0x0000000000000400
+	.quad 0x0010100001010004, 0x0000100000010000
+	.quad 0x0000100000010400, 0x0010000001000004
+	.quad 0x0000000000000400, 0x0000000000000004
+	.quad 0x0010000001000404, 0x0000100000010404
+	.quad 0x0010100001010404, 0x0000100000010004
+	.quad 0x0010100001010000, 0x0010000001000404
+	.quad 0x0010000001000004, 0x0000000000000404
+	.quad 0x0000100000010404, 0x0010100001010400
+	.quad 0x0000000000000404, 0x0010000001000400
+	.quad 0x0010000001000400, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0000100000010004, 0x0000100000010400
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x0010100001010004
+	.quad 0x0801080200100020, 0x0800080000000000
+	.quad 0x0000080000000000, 0x0001080200100020
+	.quad 0x0001000000100000, 0x0000000200000020
+	.quad 0x0801000200100020, 0x0800080200000020
+	.quad 0x0800000200000020, 0x0801080200100020
+	.quad 0x0801080000100000, 0x0800000000000000
+	.quad 0x0800080000000000, 0x0001000000100000
+	.quad 0x0000000200000020, 0x0801000200100020
+	.quad 0x0001080000100000, 0x0001000200100020
+	.quad 0x0800080200000020, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0800000000000000, 0x0000080000000000
+	.quad 0x0001080200100020, 0x0801000000100000
+	.quad 0x0001000200100020, 0x0800000200000020
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x0001080000100000
+	.quad 0x0000080200000020, 0x0801080000100000
+	.quad 0x0801000000100000, 0x0000080200000020
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x0001080200100020
+	.quad 0x0801000200100020, 0x0001000000100000
+	.quad 0x0800080200000020, 0x0801000000100000
+	.quad 0x0801080000100000, 0x0000080000000000
+	.quad 0x0801000000100000, 0x0800080000000000
+	.quad 0x0000000200000020, 0x0801080200100020
+	.quad 0x0001080200100020, 0x0000000200000020
+	.quad 0x0000080000000000, 0x0800000000000000
+	.quad 0x0000080200000020, 0x0801080000100000
+	.quad 0x0001000000100000, 0x0800000200000020
+	.quad 0x0001000200100020, 0x0800080200000020
+	.quad 0x0800000200000020, 0x0001000200100020
+	.quad 0x0001080000100000, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0800080000000000, 0x0000080200000020
+	.quad 0x0800000000000000, 0x0801000200100020
+	.quad 0x0801080200100020, 0x0001080000100000
+	.quad 0x0000002000000208, 0x0000202008020200
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000200008020008
+	.quad 0x0000002008000200, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0000202000020208, 0x0000002008000200
+	.quad 0x0000200000020008, 0x0000000008000008
+	.quad 0x0000000008000008, 0x0000200000020000
+	.quad 0x0000202008020208, 0x0000200000020008
+	.quad 0x0000200008020000, 0x0000002000000208
+	.quad 0x0000000008000000, 0x0000000000000008
+	.quad 0x0000202008020200, 0x0000002000000200
+	.quad 0x0000202000020200, 0x0000200008020000
+	.quad 0x0000200008020008, 0x0000202000020208
+	.quad 0x0000002008000208, 0x0000202000020200
+	.quad 0x0000200000020000, 0x0000002008000208
+	.quad 0x0000000000000008, 0x0000202008020208
+	.quad 0x0000002000000200, 0x0000000008000000
+	.quad 0x0000202008020200, 0x0000000008000000
+	.quad 0x0000200000020008, 0x0000002000000208
+	.quad 0x0000200000020000, 0x0000202008020200
+	.quad 0x0000002008000200, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0000002000000200, 0x0000200000020008
+	.quad 0x0000202008020208, 0x0000002008000200
+	.quad 0x0000000008000008, 0x0000002000000200
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000200008020008
+	.quad 0x0000002008000208, 0x0000200000020000
+	.quad 0x0000000008000000, 0x0000202008020208
+	.quad 0x0000000000000008, 0x0000202000020208
+	.quad 0x0000202000020200, 0x0000000008000008
+	.quad 0x0000200008020000, 0x0000002008000208
+	.quad 0x0000002000000208, 0x0000200008020000
+	.quad 0x0000202000020208, 0x0000000000000008
+	.quad 0x0000200008020008, 0x0000202000020200
+	.quad 0x1008020000002001, 0x1000020800002001
+	.quad 0x1000020800002001, 0x0000000800000000
+	.quad 0x0008020800002000, 0x1008000800000001
+	.quad 0x1008000000000001, 0x1000020000002001
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x0008020000002000
+	.quad 0x0008020000002000, 0x1008020800002001
+	.quad 0x1000000800000001, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0008000800000000, 0x1008000000000001
+	.quad 0x1000000000000001, 0x0000020000002000
+	.quad 0x0008000000000000, 0x1008020000002001
+	.quad 0x0000000800000000, 0x0008000000000000
+	.quad 0x1000020000002001, 0x0000020800002000
+	.quad 0x1008000800000001, 0x1000000000000001
+	.quad 0x0000020800002000, 0x0008000800000000
+	.quad 0x0000020000002000, 0x0008020800002000
+	.quad 0x1008020800002001, 0x1000000800000001
+	.quad 0x0008000800000000, 0x1008000000000001
+	.quad 0x0008020000002000, 0x1008020800002001
+	.quad 0x1000000800000001, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x0008020000002000
+	.quad 0x0000020800002000, 0x0008000800000000
+	.quad 0x1008000800000001, 0x1000000000000001
+	.quad 0x1008020000002001, 0x1000020800002001
+	.quad 0x1000020800002001, 0x0000000800000000
+	.quad 0x1008020800002001, 0x1000000800000001
+	.quad 0x1000000000000001, 0x0000020000002000
+	.quad 0x1008000000000001, 0x1000020000002001
+	.quad 0x0008020800002000, 0x1008000800000001
+	.quad 0x1000020000002001, 0x0000020800002000
+	.quad 0x0008000000000000, 0x1008020000002001
+	.quad 0x0000000800000000, 0x0008000000000000
+	.quad 0x0000020000002000, 0x0008020800002000
+	.quad 0x0000001000000100, 0x0020001002080100
+	.quad 0x0020000002080000, 0x0420001002000100
+	.quad 0x0000000000080000, 0x0000001000000100
+	.quad 0x0400000000000000, 0x0020000002080000
+	.quad 0x0400001000080100, 0x0000000000080000
+	.quad 0x0020001002000100, 0x0400001000080100
+	.quad 0x0420001002000100, 0x0420000002080000
+	.quad 0x0000001000080100, 0x0400000000000000
+	.quad 0x0020000002000000, 0x0400000000080000
+	.quad 0x0400000000080000, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0400001000000100, 0x0420001002080100
+	.quad 0x0420001002080100, 0x0020001002000100
+	.quad 0x0420000002080000, 0x0400001000000100
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x0420000002000000
+	.quad 0x0020001002080100, 0x0020000002000000
+	.quad 0x0420000002000000, 0x0000001000080100
+	.quad 0x0000000000080000, 0x0420001002000100
+	.quad 0x0000001000000100, 0x0020000002000000
+	.quad 0x0400000000000000, 0x0020000002080000
+	.quad 0x0420001002000100, 0x0400001000080100
+	.quad 0x0020001002000100, 0x0400000000000000
+	.quad 0x0420000002080000, 0x0020001002080100
+	.quad 0x0400001000080100, 0x0000001000000100
+	.quad 0x0020000002000000, 0x0420000002080000
+	.quad 0x0420001002080100, 0x0000001000080100
+	.quad 0x0420000002000000, 0x0420001002080100
+	.quad 0x0020000002080000, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0400000000080000, 0x0420000002000000
+	.quad 0x0000001000080100, 0x0020001002000100
+	.quad 0x0400001000000100, 0x0000000000080000
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x0400000000080000
+	.quad 0x0020001002080100, 0x0400001000000100
+	.quad 0x0200000120000010, 0x0204000020000000
+	.quad 0x0000040000000000, 0x0204040120000010
+	.quad 0x0204000020000000, 0x0000000100000010
+	.quad 0x0204040120000010, 0x0004000000000000
+	.quad 0x0200040020000000, 0x0004040100000010
+	.quad 0x0004000000000000, 0x0200000120000010
+	.quad 0x0004000100000010, 0x0200040020000000
+	.quad 0x0200000020000000, 0x0000040100000010
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x0004000100000010
+	.quad 0x0200040120000010, 0x0000040000000000
+	.quad 0x0004040000000000, 0x0200040120000010
+	.quad 0x0000000100000010, 0x0204000120000010
+	.quad 0x0204000120000010, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0004040100000010, 0x0204040020000000
+	.quad 0x0000040100000010, 0x0004040000000000
+	.quad 0x0204040020000000, 0x0200000020000000
+	.quad 0x0200040020000000, 0x0000000100000010
+	.quad 0x0204000120000010, 0x0004040000000000
+	.quad 0x0204040120000010, 0x0004000000000000
+	.quad 0x0000040100000010, 0x0200000120000010
+	.quad 0x0004000000000000, 0x0200040020000000
+	.quad 0x0200000020000000, 0x0000040100000010
+	.quad 0x0200000120000010, 0x0204040120000010
+	.quad 0x0004040000000000, 0x0204000020000000
+	.quad 0x0004040100000010, 0x0204040020000000
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x0204000120000010
+	.quad 0x0000000100000010, 0x0000040000000000
+	.quad 0x0204000020000000, 0x0004040100000010
+	.quad 0x0000040000000000, 0x0004000100000010
+	.quad 0x0200040120000010, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0204040020000000, 0x0200000020000000
+	.quad 0x0004000100000010, 0x0200040120000010
+	.quad 0x0002000000200000, 0x2002000004200002
+	.quad 0x2000000004000802, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0000000000000800, 0x2000000004000802
+	.quad 0x2002000000200802, 0x0002000004200800
+	.quad 0x2002000004200802, 0x0002000000200000
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x2000000004000002
+	.quad 0x2000000000000002, 0x0000000004000000
+	.quad 0x2002000004200002, 0x2000000000000802
+	.quad 0x0000000004000800, 0x2002000000200802
+	.quad 0x2002000000200002, 0x0000000004000800
+	.quad 0x2000000004000002, 0x0002000004200000
+	.quad 0x0002000004200800, 0x2002000000200002
+	.quad 0x0002000004200000, 0x0000000000000800
+	.quad 0x2000000000000802, 0x2002000004200802
+	.quad 0x0002000000200800, 0x2000000000000002
+	.quad 0x0000000004000000, 0x0002000000200800
+	.quad 0x0000000004000000, 0x0002000000200800
+	.quad 0x0002000000200000, 0x2000000004000802
+	.quad 0x2000000004000802, 0x2002000004200002
+	.quad 0x2002000004200002, 0x2000000000000002
+	.quad 0x2002000000200002, 0x0000000004000000
+	.quad 0x0000000004000800, 0x0002000000200000
+	.quad 0x0002000004200800, 0x2000000000000802
+	.quad 0x2002000000200802, 0x0002000004200800
+	.quad 0x2000000000000802, 0x2000000004000002
+	.quad 0x2002000004200802, 0x0002000004200000
+	.quad 0x0002000000200800, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x2000000000000002, 0x2002000004200802
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x2002000000200802
+	.quad 0x0002000004200000, 0x0000000000000800
+	.quad 0x2000000004000002, 0x0000000004000800
+	.quad 0x0000000000000800, 0x2002000000200002
+	.quad 0x0100010410001000, 0x0000010000001000
+	.quad 0x0000000000040000, 0x0100010410041000
+	.quad 0x0100000010000000, 0x0100010410001000
+	.quad 0x0000000400000000, 0x0100000010000000
+	.quad 0x0000000400040000, 0x0100000010040000
+	.quad 0x0100010410041000, 0x0000010000041000
+	.quad 0x0100010010041000, 0x0000010400041000
+	.quad 0x0000010000001000, 0x0000000400000000
+	.quad 0x0100000010040000, 0x0100000410000000
+	.quad 0x0100010010001000, 0x0000010400001000
+	.quad 0x0000010000041000, 0x0000000400040000
+	.quad 0x0100000410040000, 0x0100010010041000
+	.quad 0x0000010400001000, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x0100000410040000
+	.quad 0x0100000410000000, 0x0100010010001000
+	.quad 0x0000010400041000, 0x0000000000040000
+	.quad 0x0000010400041000, 0x0000000000040000
+	.quad 0x0100010010041000, 0x0000010000001000
+	.quad 0x0000000400000000, 0x0100000410040000
+	.quad 0x0000010000001000, 0x0000010400041000
+	.quad 0x0100010010001000, 0x0000000400000000
+	.quad 0x0100000410000000, 0x0100000010040000
+	.quad 0x0100000410040000, 0x0100000010000000
+	.quad 0x0000000000040000, 0x0100010410001000
+	.quad 0x0000000000000000, 0x0100010410041000
+	.quad 0x0000000400040000, 0x0100000410000000
+	.quad 0x0100000010040000, 0x0100010010001000
+	.quad 0x0100010410001000, 0x0000000000000000
+	.quad 0x0100010410041000, 0x0000010000041000
+	.quad 0x0000010000041000, 0x0000010400001000
+	.quad 0x0000010400001000, 0x0000000400040000
+	.quad 0x0100000010000000, 0x0100010010041000
diff --git a/arch/x86/crypto/des3_ede_glue.c b/arch/x86/crypto/des3_ede_glue.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ebc421543e44324849a199eb78809371a322f631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/crypto/des3_ede_glue.c
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+ * Glue Code for assembler optimized version of 3DES
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2014 Jussi Kivilinna <jussi.kivilinna@mbnet.fi>
+ *
+ * CBC & ECB parts based on code (crypto/cbc.c,ecb.c) by:
+ *   Copyright (c) 2006 Herbert Xu <herbert@gondor.apana.org.au>
+ * CTR part based on code (crypto/ctr.c) by:
+ *   (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007 - Joy Latten <latten@us.ibm.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ */
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#include <crypto/des.h>
+#include <linux/crypto.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <crypto/algapi.h>
+struct des3_ede_x86_ctx {
+	u32 enc_expkey[DES3_EDE_EXPKEY_WORDS];
+	u32 dec_expkey[DES3_EDE_EXPKEY_WORDS];
+/* regular block cipher functions */
+asmlinkage void des3_ede_x86_64_crypt_blk(const u32 *expkey, u8 *dst,
+					  const u8 *src);
+/* 3-way parallel cipher functions */
+asmlinkage void des3_ede_x86_64_crypt_blk_3way(const u32 *expkey, u8 *dst,
+					       const u8 *src);
+static inline void des3_ede_enc_blk(struct des3_ede_x86_ctx *ctx, u8 *dst,
+				    const u8 *src)
+	u32 *enc_ctx = ctx->enc_expkey;
+	des3_ede_x86_64_crypt_blk(enc_ctx, dst, src);
+static inline void des3_ede_dec_blk(struct des3_ede_x86_ctx *ctx, u8 *dst,
+				    const u8 *src)
+	u32 *dec_ctx = ctx->dec_expkey;
+	des3_ede_x86_64_crypt_blk(dec_ctx, dst, src);
+static inline void des3_ede_enc_blk_3way(struct des3_ede_x86_ctx *ctx, u8 *dst,
+					 const u8 *src)
+	u32 *enc_ctx = ctx->enc_expkey;
+	des3_ede_x86_64_crypt_blk_3way(enc_ctx, dst, src);
+static inline void des3_ede_dec_blk_3way(struct des3_ede_x86_ctx *ctx, u8 *dst,
+					 const u8 *src)
+	u32 *dec_ctx = ctx->dec_expkey;
+	des3_ede_x86_64_crypt_blk_3way(dec_ctx, dst, src);
+static void des3_ede_x86_encrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *dst, const u8 *src)
+	des3_ede_enc_blk(crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm), dst, src);
+static void des3_ede_x86_decrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *dst, const u8 *src)
+	des3_ede_dec_blk(crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm), dst, src);
+static int ecb_crypt(struct blkcipher_desc *desc, struct blkcipher_walk *walk,
+		     const u32 *expkey)
+	unsigned int bsize = DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	unsigned int nbytes;
+	int err;
+	err = blkcipher_walk_virt(desc, walk);
+	while ((nbytes = walk->nbytes)) {
+		u8 *wsrc = walk->src.virt.addr;
+		u8 *wdst = walk->dst.virt.addr;
+		/* Process four block batch */
+		if (nbytes >= bsize * 3) {
+			do {
+				des3_ede_x86_64_crypt_blk_3way(expkey, wdst,
+							       wsrc);
+				wsrc += bsize * 3;
+				wdst += bsize * 3;
+				nbytes -= bsize * 3;
+			} while (nbytes >= bsize * 3);
+			if (nbytes < bsize)
+				goto done;
+		}
+		/* Handle leftovers */
+		do {
+			des3_ede_x86_64_crypt_blk(expkey, wdst, wsrc);
+			wsrc += bsize;
+			wdst += bsize;
+			nbytes -= bsize;
+		} while (nbytes >= bsize);
+		err = blkcipher_walk_done(desc, walk, nbytes);
+	}
+	return err;
+static int ecb_encrypt(struct blkcipher_desc *desc, struct scatterlist *dst,
+		       struct scatterlist *src, unsigned int nbytes)
+	struct des3_ede_x86_ctx *ctx = crypto_blkcipher_ctx(desc->tfm);
+	struct blkcipher_walk walk;
+	blkcipher_walk_init(&walk, dst, src, nbytes);
+	return ecb_crypt(desc, &walk, ctx->enc_expkey);
+static int ecb_decrypt(struct blkcipher_desc *desc, struct scatterlist *dst,
+		       struct scatterlist *src, unsigned int nbytes)
+	struct des3_ede_x86_ctx *ctx = crypto_blkcipher_ctx(desc->tfm);
+	struct blkcipher_walk walk;
+	blkcipher_walk_init(&walk, dst, src, nbytes);
+	return ecb_crypt(desc, &walk, ctx->dec_expkey);
+static unsigned int __cbc_encrypt(struct blkcipher_desc *desc,
+				  struct blkcipher_walk *walk)
+	struct des3_ede_x86_ctx *ctx = crypto_blkcipher_ctx(desc->tfm);
+	unsigned int bsize = DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	unsigned int nbytes = walk->nbytes;
+	u64 *src = (u64 *)walk->src.virt.addr;
+	u64 *dst = (u64 *)walk->dst.virt.addr;
+	u64 *iv = (u64 *)walk->iv;
+	do {
+		*dst = *src ^ *iv;
+		des3_ede_enc_blk(ctx, (u8 *)dst, (u8 *)dst);
+		iv = dst;
+		src += 1;
+		dst += 1;
+		nbytes -= bsize;
+	} while (nbytes >= bsize);
+	*(u64 *)walk->iv = *iv;
+	return nbytes;
+static int cbc_encrypt(struct blkcipher_desc *desc, struct scatterlist *dst,
+		       struct scatterlist *src, unsigned int nbytes)
+	struct blkcipher_walk walk;
+	int err;
+	blkcipher_walk_init(&walk, dst, src, nbytes);
+	err = blkcipher_walk_virt(desc, &walk);
+	while ((nbytes = walk.nbytes)) {
+		nbytes = __cbc_encrypt(desc, &walk);
+		err = blkcipher_walk_done(desc, &walk, nbytes);
+	}
+	return err;
+static unsigned int __cbc_decrypt(struct blkcipher_desc *desc,
+				  struct blkcipher_walk *walk)
+	struct des3_ede_x86_ctx *ctx = crypto_blkcipher_ctx(desc->tfm);
+	unsigned int bsize = DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	unsigned int nbytes = walk->nbytes;
+	u64 *src = (u64 *)walk->src.virt.addr;
+	u64 *dst = (u64 *)walk->dst.virt.addr;
+	u64 ivs[3 - 1];
+	u64 last_iv;
+	/* Start of the last block. */
+	src += nbytes / bsize - 1;
+	dst += nbytes / bsize - 1;
+	last_iv = *src;
+	/* Process four block batch */
+	if (nbytes >= bsize * 3) {
+		do {
+			nbytes -= bsize * 3 - bsize;
+			src -= 3 - 1;
+			dst -= 3 - 1;
+			ivs[0] = src[0];
+			ivs[1] = src[1];
+			des3_ede_dec_blk_3way(ctx, (u8 *)dst, (u8 *)src);
+			dst[1] ^= ivs[0];
+			dst[2] ^= ivs[1];
+			nbytes -= bsize;
+			if (nbytes < bsize)
+				goto done;
+			*dst ^= *(src - 1);
+			src -= 1;
+			dst -= 1;
+		} while (nbytes >= bsize * 3);
+	}
+	/* Handle leftovers */
+	for (;;) {
+		des3_ede_dec_blk(ctx, (u8 *)dst, (u8 *)src);
+		nbytes -= bsize;
+		if (nbytes < bsize)
+			break;
+		*dst ^= *(src - 1);
+		src -= 1;
+		dst -= 1;
+	}
+	*dst ^= *(u64 *)walk->iv;
+	*(u64 *)walk->iv = last_iv;
+	return nbytes;
+static int cbc_decrypt(struct blkcipher_desc *desc, struct scatterlist *dst,
+		       struct scatterlist *src, unsigned int nbytes)
+	struct blkcipher_walk walk;
+	int err;
+	blkcipher_walk_init(&walk, dst, src, nbytes);
+	err = blkcipher_walk_virt(desc, &walk);
+	while ((nbytes = walk.nbytes)) {
+		nbytes = __cbc_decrypt(desc, &walk);
+		err = blkcipher_walk_done(desc, &walk, nbytes);
+	}
+	return err;
+static void ctr_crypt_final(struct des3_ede_x86_ctx *ctx,
+			    struct blkcipher_walk *walk)
+	u8 *ctrblk = walk->iv;
+	u8 keystream[DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE];
+	u8 *src = walk->src.virt.addr;
+	u8 *dst = walk->dst.virt.addr;
+	unsigned int nbytes = walk->nbytes;
+	des3_ede_enc_blk(ctx, keystream, ctrblk);
+	crypto_xor(keystream, src, nbytes);
+	memcpy(dst, keystream, nbytes);
+	crypto_inc(ctrblk, DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE);
+static unsigned int __ctr_crypt(struct blkcipher_desc *desc,
+				struct blkcipher_walk *walk)
+	struct des3_ede_x86_ctx *ctx = crypto_blkcipher_ctx(desc->tfm);
+	unsigned int bsize = DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	unsigned int nbytes = walk->nbytes;
+	u64 *src = (u64 *)walk->src.virt.addr;
+	u64 *dst = (u64 *)walk->dst.virt.addr;
+	u64 ctrblk = be64_to_cpu(*(__be64 *)walk->iv);
+	__be64 ctrblocks[3];
+	/* Process four block batch */
+	if (nbytes >= bsize * 3) {
+		do {
+			/* create ctrblks for parallel encrypt */
+			ctrblocks[0] = cpu_to_be64(ctrblk++);
+			ctrblocks[1] = cpu_to_be64(ctrblk++);
+			ctrblocks[2] = cpu_to_be64(ctrblk++);
+			des3_ede_enc_blk_3way(ctx, (u8 *)ctrblocks,
+					      (u8 *)ctrblocks);
+			dst[0] = src[0] ^ ctrblocks[0];
+			dst[1] = src[1] ^ ctrblocks[1];
+			dst[2] = src[2] ^ ctrblocks[2];
+			src += 3;
+			dst += 3;
+		} while ((nbytes -= bsize * 3) >= bsize * 3);
+		if (nbytes < bsize)
+			goto done;
+	}
+	/* Handle leftovers */
+	do {
+		ctrblocks[0] = cpu_to_be64(ctrblk++);
+		des3_ede_enc_blk(ctx, (u8 *)ctrblocks, (u8 *)ctrblocks);
+		dst[0] = src[0] ^ ctrblocks[0];
+		src += 1;
+		dst += 1;
+	} while ((nbytes -= bsize) >= bsize);
+	*(__be64 *)walk->iv = cpu_to_be64(ctrblk);
+	return nbytes;
+static int ctr_crypt(struct blkcipher_desc *desc, struct scatterlist *dst,
+		     struct scatterlist *src, unsigned int nbytes)
+	struct blkcipher_walk walk;
+	int err;
+	blkcipher_walk_init(&walk, dst, src, nbytes);
+	err = blkcipher_walk_virt_block(desc, &walk, DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	while ((nbytes = walk.nbytes) >= DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+		nbytes = __ctr_crypt(desc, &walk);
+		err = blkcipher_walk_done(desc, &walk, nbytes);
+	}
+	if (walk.nbytes) {
+		ctr_crypt_final(crypto_blkcipher_ctx(desc->tfm), &walk);
+		err = blkcipher_walk_done(desc, &walk, 0);
+	}
+	return err;
+static int des3_ede_x86_setkey(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, const u8 *key,
+			       unsigned int keylen)
+	struct des3_ede_x86_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	u32 i, j, tmp;
+	int err;
+	/* Generate encryption context using generic implementation. */
+	err = __des3_ede_setkey(ctx->enc_expkey, &tfm->crt_flags, key, keylen);
+	if (err < 0)
+		return err;
+	/* Fix encryption context for this implementation and form decryption
+	 * context. */
+	for (i = 0; i < DES3_EDE_EXPKEY_WORDS; i += 2, j -= 2) {
+		tmp = ror32(ctx->enc_expkey[i + 1], 4);
+		ctx->enc_expkey[i + 1] = tmp;
+		ctx->dec_expkey[j + 0] = ctx->enc_expkey[i + 0];
+		ctx->dec_expkey[j + 1] = tmp;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static struct crypto_alg des3_ede_algs[4] = { {
+	.cra_name		= "des3_ede",
+	.cra_driver_name	= "des3_ede-asm",
+	.cra_priority		= 200,
+	.cra_flags		= CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_CIPHER,
+	.cra_blocksize		= DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE,
+	.cra_ctxsize		= sizeof(struct des3_ede_x86_ctx),
+	.cra_alignmask		= 0,
+	.cra_module		= THIS_MODULE,
+	.cra_u = {
+		.cipher = {
+			.cia_min_keysize	= DES3_EDE_KEY_SIZE,
+			.cia_max_keysize	= DES3_EDE_KEY_SIZE,
+			.cia_setkey		= des3_ede_x86_setkey,
+			.cia_encrypt		= des3_ede_x86_encrypt,
+			.cia_decrypt		= des3_ede_x86_decrypt,
+		}
+	}
+}, {
+	.cra_name		= "ecb(des3_ede)",
+	.cra_driver_name	= "ecb-des3_ede-asm",
+	.cra_priority		= 300,
+	.cra_blocksize		= DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE,
+	.cra_ctxsize		= sizeof(struct des3_ede_x86_ctx),
+	.cra_alignmask		= 0,
+	.cra_type		= &crypto_blkcipher_type,
+	.cra_module		= THIS_MODULE,
+	.cra_u = {
+		.blkcipher = {
+			.min_keysize	= DES3_EDE_KEY_SIZE,
+			.max_keysize	= DES3_EDE_KEY_SIZE,
+			.setkey		= des3_ede_x86_setkey,
+			.encrypt	= ecb_encrypt,
+			.decrypt	= ecb_decrypt,
+		},
+	},
+}, {
+	.cra_name		= "cbc(des3_ede)",
+	.cra_driver_name	= "cbc-des3_ede-asm",
+	.cra_priority		= 300,
+	.cra_blocksize		= DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE,
+	.cra_ctxsize		= sizeof(struct des3_ede_x86_ctx),
+	.cra_alignmask		= 0,
+	.cra_type		= &crypto_blkcipher_type,
+	.cra_module		= THIS_MODULE,
+	.cra_u = {
+		.blkcipher = {
+			.min_keysize	= DES3_EDE_KEY_SIZE,
+			.max_keysize	= DES3_EDE_KEY_SIZE,
+			.ivsize		= DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE,
+			.setkey		= des3_ede_x86_setkey,
+			.encrypt	= cbc_encrypt,
+			.decrypt	= cbc_decrypt,
+		},
+	},
+}, {
+	.cra_name		= "ctr(des3_ede)",
+	.cra_driver_name	= "ctr-des3_ede-asm",
+	.cra_priority		= 300,
+	.cra_blocksize		= 1,
+	.cra_ctxsize		= sizeof(struct des3_ede_x86_ctx),
+	.cra_alignmask		= 0,
+	.cra_type		= &crypto_blkcipher_type,
+	.cra_module		= THIS_MODULE,
+	.cra_u = {
+		.blkcipher = {
+			.min_keysize	= DES3_EDE_KEY_SIZE,
+			.max_keysize	= DES3_EDE_KEY_SIZE,
+			.ivsize		= DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE,
+			.setkey		= des3_ede_x86_setkey,
+			.encrypt	= ctr_crypt,
+			.decrypt	= ctr_crypt,
+		},
+	},
+} };
+static bool is_blacklisted_cpu(void)
+	if (boot_cpu_data.x86_vendor != X86_VENDOR_INTEL)
+		return false;
+	if (boot_cpu_data.x86 == 0x0f) {
+		/*
+		 * On Pentium 4, des3_ede-x86_64 is slower than generic C
+		 * implementation because use of 64bit rotates (which are really
+		 * slow on P4). Therefore blacklist P4s.
+		 */
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+static int force;
+module_param(force, int, 0);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(force, "Force module load, ignore CPU blacklist");
+static int __init des3_ede_x86_init(void)
+	if (!force && is_blacklisted_cpu()) {
+		pr_info("des3_ede-x86_64: performance on this CPU would be suboptimal: disabling des3_ede-x86_64.\n");
+		return -ENODEV;
+	}
+	return crypto_register_algs(des3_ede_algs, ARRAY_SIZE(des3_ede_algs));
+static void __exit des3_ede_x86_fini(void)
+	crypto_unregister_algs(des3_ede_algs, ARRAY_SIZE(des3_ede_algs));
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Triple DES EDE Cipher Algorithm, asm optimized");
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Jussi Kivilinna <jussi.kivilinna@iki.fi>");
diff --git a/crypto/Kconfig b/crypto/Kconfig
index c9c1cd91031ca6095011ba990a68db6ffe6b79ec..025c5108442e18612a405b07044868a5d2d5143a 100644
--- a/crypto/Kconfig
+++ b/crypto/Kconfig
@@ -1019,6 +1019,19 @@ config CRYPTO_DES_SPARC64
 	  DES cipher algorithm (FIPS 46-2), and Triple DES EDE (FIPS 46-3),
 	  optimized using SPARC64 crypto opcodes.
+config CRYPTO_DES3_EDE_X86_64
+	tristate "Triple DES EDE cipher algorithm (x86-64)"
+	depends on X86 && 64BIT
+	select CRYPTO_DES
+	help
+	  Triple DES EDE (FIPS 46-3) algorithm.
+	  This module provides implementation of the Triple DES EDE cipher
+	  algorithm that is optimized for x86-64 processors. Two versions of
+	  algorithm are provided; regular processing one input block and
+	  one that processes three blocks parallel.
 	tristate "FCrypt cipher algorithm"
diff --git a/crypto/des_generic.c b/crypto/des_generic.c
index f6cf63f8846826506fc0068ba53142a52688dfd8..298d464ab7d2564cfcce14862e52201a5530df2c 100644
--- a/crypto/des_generic.c
+++ b/crypto/des_generic.c
@@ -859,13 +859,10 @@ static void des_decrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *dst, const u8 *src)
  *   property.
-static int des3_ede_setkey(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, const u8 *key,
-			   unsigned int keylen)
+int __des3_ede_setkey(u32 *expkey, u32 *flags, const u8 *key,
+		      unsigned int keylen)
 	const u32 *K = (const u32 *)key;
-	struct des3_ede_ctx *dctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
-	u32 *expkey = dctx->expkey;
-	u32 *flags = &tfm->crt_flags;
 	if (unlikely(!((K[0] ^ K[2]) | (K[1] ^ K[3])) ||
 		     !((K[2] ^ K[4]) | (K[3] ^ K[5]))) &&
@@ -880,6 +877,17 @@ static int des3_ede_setkey(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, const u8 *key,
 	return 0;
+static int des3_ede_setkey(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, const u8 *key,
+			   unsigned int keylen)
+	struct des3_ede_ctx *dctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	u32 *flags = &tfm->crt_flags;
+	u32 *expkey = dctx->expkey;
+	return __des3_ede_setkey(expkey, flags, key, keylen);
 static void des3_ede_encrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *dst, const u8 *src)
@@ -945,6 +953,8 @@ static void des3_ede_decrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *dst, const u8 *src)
 static struct crypto_alg des_algs[2] = { {
 	.cra_name		=	"des",
+	.cra_driver_name	=	"des-generic",
+	.cra_priority		=	100,
 	.cra_flags		=	CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_CIPHER,
 	.cra_blocksize		=	DES_BLOCK_SIZE,
 	.cra_ctxsize		=	sizeof(struct des_ctx),
@@ -958,6 +968,8 @@ static struct crypto_alg des_algs[2] = { {
 	.cia_decrypt		=	des_decrypt } }
 }, {
 	.cra_name		=	"des3_ede",
+	.cra_driver_name	=	"des3_ede-generic",
+	.cra_priority		=	100,
 	.cra_flags		=	CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_CIPHER,
 	.cra_blocksize		=	DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE,
 	.cra_ctxsize		=	sizeof(struct des3_ede_ctx),
diff --git a/include/crypto/des.h b/include/crypto/des.h
index 2971c6304aded327e8b2698d71121078744501e1..fc6274c6bb26cbfc6056c8abc1dcc5668c847119 100644
--- a/include/crypto/des.h
+++ b/include/crypto/des.h
@@ -16,4 +16,7 @@
 extern unsigned long des_ekey(u32 *pe, const u8 *k);
+extern int __des3_ede_setkey(u32 *expkey, u32 *flags, const u8 *key,
+			     unsigned int keylen);
 #endif /* __CRYPTO_DES_H */