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  • Florian Festi's avatar
    Explicitly mention that the rpmio/ sub dir is under LGPL · d5c69756
    Florian Festi authored
    As the code in the rpmio sub directory was split out of the lib sub dir
    it is already under LGPL as "code derived from" "the source code in the
    lib subdirectory" according to the license. But not having the sub directory
    mentioned in the license confuses users and contributers.
    The original release tarballs in show
    the license was changed into the existing dual one between rpm 2.4.3 and 2.4.4,
    and that no rpmio/ directory exists at that time. Our git repo disagrees with
    the time of rpmio/ split due to some conversion artifacts (cvs to mercury to
    git), as it shows rpmio/ directory existing from the first commit, but this was
    not actually the case.
    The license stating that the dual license is there to allow linking with librpm
    from non-GPL code supports this interpretation as librpmio is required in order
    to use librpm even if it is a separate library nowadays.
    So this change does not change the license of any code but only clearifies the
    current situation.
    Resolves: #516
This project is licensed under the GNU Library General Public License v2 only. Learn more