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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v3.7.1
    fa43b774 · v3.7.1 ·
    === Improvements ===
    * Applied the JUnit reporter's optimization from last release to the SonarQube reporter
    * Suppressed `-Wuseless-cast` in `CHECK_THROWS_MATCHES` (#2904)
    * Standardize exit codes for various failures
      * Running no tests is now guaranteed to exit with 2 (without the `--allow-running-no-tests` flag)
      * All tests skipped is now always 4 (...)
      * Assertion failures are now always 42
      * and so on
    === Fixes ===
    * Fixed out-of-bounds access when the arg parser encounters single `-` as an argument (#2905)
    === Miscellaneous ===
    * Added `catch_config_prefix_messages.hpp` to meson build (#2903)
    * `catch_discover_tests` now supports skipped tests (#2873)
      * You can get the old behaviour by calling `catch_discover_tests` with `SKIP_IS_FAILURE` option.
  • v3.7.0
    31588bb4 · v3.7.0 ·
    === Improvements ===
    * Slightly improved compile times of benchmarks
    * Made the resolution estimation in benchmarks slightly more precise
    * Added new test case macro, `TEST_CASE_PERSISTENT_FIXTURE` (#2885, #1602)
      * Unlike `TEST_CASE_METHOD`, the same underlying instance is used for all partial runs of that test case
    * **MASSIVELY** improved performance of the JUnit reporter when handling successful assertions (#2897)
      * For 1 test case and 10M assertions, the new reporter runs 3x faster and uses up only 8 MB of memory, while the old one needs 7 GB of memory.
    * Reworked how output redirects works.
      * Combining a reporter writing to stdout with capturing reporter no longer leads to the capturing reporter seeing all of the other reporter's output.
      * The file based redirect no longer opens up a new temporary file for each partial test case run, so it will not run out of temporary files when running many tests in single process.
    === Miscellaneous ===
    * Better documentation for matchers on thrown exceptions (`REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES`)
    * Improved `catch_discover_tests`'s handling of environment paths (#2878)
      * It won't reorder paths in `DL_PATHS` or `DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATHS` args
      * It won't overwrite the environment paths for test discovery
  • v3.6.0
    4e8d92bf · v3.6.0 ·
    === Fixes ===
    * Fixed Windows ARM64 build by fixing the preprocessor condition guarding use `_umul128` intrinsic.
    * Fixed Windows ARM64EC build by removing intrinsic pragma it does not understand. (#2858)
      * Why doesn't the x64-emulation build mode understand x64 pragmas? Don't ask me, ask the MSVC guys.
    * Fixed the JUnit reporter sometimes crashing when reporting a fatal error. (#1210, #2855)
      * The binary will still exit, but through the original error, rather than secondary error inside the reporter.
      * The underlying fix applies to all reporters, not just the JUnit one, but only JUnit was currently causing troubles.
    === Improvements ===
    * Disable `-Wnon-virtual-dtor` in Decomposer and Matchers (#2854)
    * `precision` in floating point stringmakers defaults to `max_digits10`.
      * This means that floating point values will be printed with enough precision to disambiguate any two floats.
    * Column wrapping ignores ansi colour codes when calculating string width (#2833, #2849)
      * This makes the output much more readable when the provided messages contain colour codes.
    === Miscellaneous ===
    * Conan support improvements
      * `compatibility_cppstr` is set to False. (#2860)
        * This means that Conan won't let you mix library and project with different C++ standard settings.
      * The implementation library CMake target name through Conan is properly set to `Catch2::Catch2` (#2861)
    * `SelfTest` target can be built through Bazel (#2857)
  • v3.5.4
    b5373dad · v3.5.4 ·
    --- Fixes ---
    * Fixed potential compilation error when asked to generate random integers whose type did not match `std::(u)int*_t`.
      * This manifested itself when generating random `size_t`s on MacOS
    * Added missing outlined destructor causing `Wdelete-incomplete` when compiling against libstdc++ in C++23 mode (#2852)
    * Fixed regression where decomposing assertion with const instance of `std::foo_ordering` would not compile
    --- Improvements ---
    * Reintroduced support for GCC 5 and 6 (#2836)
      * As with VS2017, if they start causing trouble again, they will be dropped again.
    * Added workaround for targetting newest MacOS (Sonoma) using GCC (#2837, #2839)
    * `CATCH_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REPORTER` can now be an arbitrary reporter spec
      * Previously it could only be a plain reporter name, so it was impossible to compile in custom arguments to the reporter.
    * Improved performance of generating 64bit random integers by 20+%
    --- Miscellaneous ---
    * Significantly improved Conan in-tree recipe (#2831)
    * `DL_PATHS` in `catch_discover_tests` now supports multiple arguments (#2852, #2736)
    * Fixed preprocessor logic for checking whether we expect reproducible floating point results in tests.
    * Improved the floating point tests structure to avoid `Wunused` when the reproducibility tests are disabled (#2845)
  • v3.5.3
    8ac8190e · v3.5.3 ·
    === Fixes ===
    * Fixed OOB access when computing filename tag (from the `-#` flag) for file without extension (#2798)
    * Fixed the linking against `log` on Android to be `PRIVATE` (#2815)
    * Fixed `Wuseless-cast` in benchmarking internals (#2823)
    === Improvements ===
    * Restored compatibility with VS2017 (#2792, #2822)
      * The baseline for Catch2 is still C++14 with some reasonable workarounds for specific compilers, so if VS2017 starts acting up again, the support will be dropped again.
    * Suppressed clang-tidy's `bugprone-chained-comparison` in assertions (#2801)
    * Improved the static analysis mode to evaluate arguments to `TEST_CASE` and `SECTION` (#2817)
      * Clang-tidy should no longer warn about runtime arguments to these macros being unused in static analysis mode.
      * Clang-tidy can warn on issues involved arguments to these macros.
    * Added support for literal-zero detectors based on `consteval` constructors
      * This is required for compiling `REQUIRE((a <=> b) == 0)` against MSVC's stdlib.
      * Sadly, MSVC still cannot compile this assertion as it does not implement C++20 correctly.
      * You can use `clang-cl` with MSVC's stdlib instead.
      * If for some godforsaken reasons you want to understand this better, read the two relevant commits: [`dc51386b9fd61f99ea9c660d01867e6ad489b403`](, and [`0787132fc82a75e3fb255aa9484ca1dc1eff2a30`](
    === Miscellaneous ===
    * Disabled tests for FP random generator reproducibility on non-SSE2 x86 targets (#2796)
    * Modified the in-tree Conan recipe to support Conan 2 (#2805)
  • v3.5.2
    05e10dfc · v3.5.2 ·
    === Fixes ===
    * Fixed `-Wsubobject-linkage` in the Console reporter (#2794)
    * Fixed adding new CLI Options to lvalue parser using `|` (#2787)
  • v3.5.1
    f981c9cb · v3.5.1 ·
    === Improvements ===
    * Significantly improved performance of the CLI parsing.
      * This includes the cost of preparing the CLI parser, so Catch2's binaries start much faster.
    === Miscellaneous ===
    * Added support for Bazel modules (#2781)
    * Added CMake option to disable the build reproducibility settings (#2785)
    * Added `log` library linking to the Meson build (#2784)
  • v3.5.0
    53d0d913 · v3.5.0 ·
    === Improvements ===
    * Introduced `CATCH_CONFIG_PREFIX_MESSAGES` to prefix only logging macros (#2544)
      * This means `INFO`, `UNSCOPED_INFO`, `WARN` and `CAPTURE`.
    * Section hints in static analysis mode are now `const`
      * This prevents Clang-Tidy from complaining about `misc-const-correctness`.
    * `from_range` generator supports C arrays and ranges that require ADL (#2737)
    * Stringification support for `std::optional` now also includes `std::nullopt` (#2740)
    * The Console reporter flushes output after writing benchmark runtime estimate.
      * This means that you can immediately see for how long the benchmark is expected to run.
    * Added workaround to enable compilation with ICC 19.1 (#2551, #2766)
    * Compiling Catch2 for XBox should work out of the box (#2772)
      * Catch2 should automatically disable getenv when compiled for XBox.
    * Compiling Catch2 with exceptions disabled no longer triggers `Wunused-function` (#2726)
    * **`random` Generators for integral types are now reproducible across different platforms**
      * Unlike `<rando>`, Catch2's generators also support 1 byte integral types (`char`, `bool`, ...)
    * **`random` Generators for `float` and `double` are now reproducible across different platforms**
      * `long double` varies across different platforms too much to be reproducible
      * This guarantee applies only to platforms with IEEE 754 floats.
    === Fixes ===
    * UDL declaration inside Catch2 are now strictly conforming to the standard
      * `operator "" _a` is UB, `operator ""_a` is fine. Seriously.
    * Fixed `CAPTURE` tests failing to compile in C++23 mode (#2744)
    * Fixed missing include in `catch_message.hpp` (#2758)
    * Fixed `CHECK_ELSE` suppressing failure from uncaught exceptions(#2723)
    === Miscellaneous ===
    * The documentation for specifying which tests to run through commandline has been completely rewritten (#2738)
    * Fixed installation when building Catch2 with meson (#2722, #2742)
    * Fixed `catch_discover_tests` when using custom reporter and `PRE_TEST` discovery mode (#2747)
    * `catch_discover_tests` supports multi-config CMake generator in `PRE_TEST` discovery mode (#2739, #2746)
  • v3.4.0
    6e79e682 · v3.4.0 ·
    --- Improvements ---
    * `VectorEquals` supports elements that provide only `==` and not `!=` (#2648)
    * Catch2 supports compiling with IAR compiler (#2651)
    * Various small internal performance improvements
    * Various small internal compilation time improvements
    * XMLReporter now reports location info for INFO and WARN (#1251)
      * This bumps up the xml format version to 3
    * Documented that `SKIP` in generator constructor can be used to handle empty  generator (#1593)
    * Added experimental static analysis support to `TEST_CASE` and `SECTION` macros (#2681)
      * The two macros are redefined in a way that helps the SA tools reason about the possible paths through a test case with sections.
      * The support is controlled by the `CATCH_CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL_STATIC_ANALYSIS_SUPPORT` option and autodetects clang-tidy and Coverity.
    * `*_THROWS`, `*_THROWS_AS`, etc now suppress warning coming from `__attribute__((warn_unused_result))` on GCC  (#2691)
      * Unlike plain `[[nodiscard]]`, this warning is not silenced by void cast. WTF GCC?
    --- Fixes ---
    * Fixed `assertionStarting` events being sent after the expr is evaluated (#2678)
    * Errors in `TEST_CASE` tags are now reported nicely (#2650)
    --- Miscellaneous ---
    * Bunch of improvements to `catch_discover_tests`
      * Added DISCOVERY_MODE option, so the discovery can happen either post build or pre-run.
      * Fixed handling of semicolons and backslashes in test names (#2674, #2676)
    * meson build can disable building tests (#2693)
    * meson build properly sets meson version 0.54.1 as the minimal supported version (#2688)
  • v3.3.2
    3f0283de · v3.3.2 ·
    === Improvements ===
    * Further reduced allocations
      * The compact, console, TAP and XML reporters perform less allocations in various cases
      * Removed 1 allocation per entered `SECTION`/`TEST_CASE`.
      * Removed 2 allocations per test case exit, if stdout/stderr is captured
    * Improved performance
      * Section tracking is 10%-25% faster than in v3.3.0
      * Assertion handling is 5%-10% faster than in v3.3.0
      * Test case registration is 1%-2% faster than in v3.3.0
      * Tiny speedup for registering listeners
      * Tiny speedup for `CAPTURE`, `TEST_CASE_METHOD`, `METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE`, and `TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_*` macros.
    * `Contains`, `RangeEquals` and `UnorderedRangeEquals` matchers now support ranges with iterator + sentinel pair
    * Added `IsNaN` matcher
      * Unlike `REQUIRE(isnan(x))`, `REQUIRE_THAT(x, IsNaN())` shows you the value of `x`.
    * Suppressed `declared_but_not_referenced` warning for NVHPC (=2637)
    === Fixes ===
    * Fixed performance regression in section tracking introduced in v3.3.1
      * Extreme cases would cause the tracking to run about 4x slower than in 3.3.0
  • v3.3.1
    2ab20a0e · v3.3.1 ·
    === Improvements ===
    * Reduced allocations and improved performance
      * The exact improvements are dependent on your usage of Catch2.
      * For example running Catch2's SelfTest binary performs 8k less allocations.
      * The main improvement comes from smarter handling of `SECTION`s, especially sibling `SECTION`s
  • v3.3.0
    c837cb4a · v3.3.0 ·
    === Improvements ===
    * Added `MessageMatches` exception matcher (#2570)
    * Added `RangeEquals` and `UnorderedRangeEquals` generic range matchers (#2377)
    * Added `SKIP` macro for skipping tests from within the test body (#2360)
      * All built-in reporters have been extended to handle it properly, whether your custom reporter needs changes depends on how it was written
      * `skipTest` reporter event **is unrelated** to this, and has been deprecated since it has practically no uses
    * Restored support for PPC Macs in the break-into-debugger functionality (#2619)
    * Made our warning suppression compatible with CUDA toolkit pre 11.5 (#2626)
    * Cleaned out some static analysis complaints
    === Fixes ===
    * Fixed macro redefinition warning when NVCC was reporting as MSVC (#2603)
    * Fixed throws in generator constructor causing the whole binary to abort (#2615)
      * Now it just fails the test
    * Fixed missing transitive include with libstdc++13 (#2611)
    === Miscellaneous ===
    * Improved support for dynamic library build with non-MSVC compilers on Windows (#2630)
    * When used as a subproject, Catch2 keeps its generated header in a separate directory from the main project (#2604)
  • v3.2.1
    ab6c7375 · v3.2.1 ·
    -- 3.2.1 --
    --- Improvements ---
    * Fix the reworked decomposer to work with older (pre 9) GCC versions (#2571)
      * **This required more significant changes to properly support C++20, there might be bugs.**
  • v3.2.0
    65cc7fd2 · v3.2.0 ·
    === Improvements ===
    * Catch2 now compiles on PlayStation (#2562)
    * Added `CATCH_CONFIG_GETENV` compile-time toggle (#2562)
      * This toggle guards whether Catch2 calls `std::getenv` when reading env variables
    * Added support for more Bazel test environment variables
      * `TESTBRIDGE_TEST_ONLY` is now supported (#2490)
      * Sharding variables, `TEST_SHARD_INDEX`, `TEST_TOTAL_SHARDS`, `TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE`, are now all supported (#2491)
    * Bunch of small tweaks and improvements in reporters
      * The TAP and SonarQube reporters output the used test filters
      * The XML reporter now also reports the version of its output format
      * The compact reporter now uses the same summary output as the console reporter (#878, #2554)
    * Added support for asserting on types that can only be compared with literal 0 (#2555)
      * A canonical example is C++20's `std::*_ordering` types, which cannot be compared with an `int` variable, only `0`
      * The support extends to any type with this property, not just the ones in stdlib
      * This change imposes 2-3% slowdown on compiling files that are heavy on `REQUIRE` and friends
      * **This required significant rewrite of decomposition, there might be bugs**
    * Simplified internals of matcher related macros
      * This provides about ~2% speed up compiling files that are heavy on `REQUIRE_THAT` and friends
    === Fixes ===
    * Cleaned out some warnings and static analysis issues
      * Suppressed `-Wcomma` warning rarely occuring in templated test cases (#2543)
      * Constified implementation details in `INFO` (#2564)
      * Made `MatcherGenericBase` copy constructor const (#2566)
    * Fixed serialization of test filters so the output roundtrips
      * This means that e.g. `./tests/SelfTest "aaa bbb", [approx]` outputs `Filters: "aaa bbb",[approx]`
    === Miscellaneous ===
    * Catch2's build no longer leaks `-ffile-prefix-map` setting  to dependees (#2533)
  • v3.1.1
    5df88da1 · 3.1.1 ·
    --- Improvements ---
    * Added `Catch::getSeed` function that user code can call to retrieve current rng-seed
    * Better detection of compiler support for `-ffile-prefix-map` (#2517)
    * Catch2's shared libraries now have `SOVERSION` set (#2516)
    * `catch2/catch_all.hpp` convenience header no longer transitively includes `windows.h` (#2432, #2526)
    --- Fixes ---
    * Fixed compilation on Universal Windows Platform
    * Fixed compilation on VxWorks (#2515)
    * Fixed compilation on Cygwin (#2540)
    * Remove unused variable in reporter registration (#2538)
    * Fixed some symbol visibility issues with dynamic library on Windows (#2527)
    * Suppressed `-Wuseless-cast` warnings in `REQUIRE_THROWS*` macros (#2520, #2521)
      * This was triggered when the potentially throwing expression evaluates to `void`
    * Fixed "warning: storage class is not first" with `nvc++` (#2533)
    * Fixed handling of `DL_PATHS` argument to `catch_discover_tests` on MacOS (#2483)
    * Suppressed `*-avoid-c-arrays` clang-tidy warning in `TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE` (#2095, #2536)
    --- Miscellaneous ---
    * Fixed CMake install step for Catch2 build as dynamic library (#2485)
    * Raised minimum CMake version to 3.10 (#2523)
      * Expect the minimum CMake version to increase once more in next few releases.
    * Whole bunch of doc updates and fixes
      * #1444, #2497, #2547, #2549, and more
    * Added support for building Catch2 with Meson (#2530, #2539)
  • v2.13.10
    182c910b · v2.13.10 ·
    --- Fixes ---
    * Fixed issue with `catch_discover_tests` when there is multiple of 256 tests (#2401, #2503)
    * Catch2-provided `main` and `wmain` are explicitly marked as `__cdecl` when compiled with MSVC (#2486, #2487)
    * Improved break-into-debugger behaviour for ARM Macs. It should now be possible to step execution after the break (#2422)
    * Replaced deprecated `std::aligned_storage` (#2419, #2420)
  • v3.1.0
    97c48e0c · v3.1.0 ·
    --- Improvements
    * Improved suppression of `-Wparentheses` for older GCCs
      * Turns out that even GCC 9 does not properly handle `_Pragma`s in the C++ frontend.
    * Added type constraints onto `random` generator (#2433)
      * These constraints copy what the standard says for the underlying `std::uniform_int_distribution`
    * Suppressed -Wunused-variable from nvcc (#2306, #2427)
    * Suppressed -Wunused-variable from MinGW (#2132)
    * Added All/Any/NoneTrue range matchers (#2319)
      * These check that all/any/none of boolean values in a range are true.
    * The JUnit reporter now normalizes classnames from C++ namespaces to Java-like namespaces (#2468)
      * This provides better support for other JUnit based tools.
    * The Bazel support now understands `BAZEL_TEST` environment variable (#2459)
      * The `CATCH_CONFIG_BAZEL_SUPPORT` configuration option is also still supported.
    * Returned support for compiling Catch2 with GCC 5 (#2448)
      * This required removing inherited constructors from Catch2's internals.
      * I recommend updating to a newer GCC anyway.
    * `catch_discover_tests` now has a new options for setting library load path(s) when running the Catch2 binary (#2467)
    --- Fixes
    * Fixed crash when listing listeners without any registered listeners (#2442)
    * Fixed nvcc compilation error in constructor benchmarking helper (#2477)
    * Catch2's CMakeList supports pre-3.12 CMake again (#2428)
      * The gain from requiring CMake 3.12 was very minor, but y'all should really update to newer CMake
    --- Miscellaneous
    * Fixed SelfTest build on MinGW (#2447)
    * The in-repo conan recipe exports the CMake helper (#2460)
    * Added experimental CMake script to showcase using test case sharding together with CTest
      * Compared to `catch_discover_tests`, it supports very limited number of options and customization
    * Added documentation page on best practices when running Catch2 tests
    * Catch2 can be built as a dynamic library (#2397, #2398)
      * Note that Catch2 does not have visibility annotations, and you are responsible for ensuring correct visibility built into the resulting library.
  • v3.0.1
    605a3476 · v3.0.1 ·
    === (Potentially) Breaking changes ===
    * **Catch2 now uses statically compiled library as its distribution model**
      * **Including `catch.hpp` no longer works**
    * **Catch2 now uses C++14 as the minimum support language version**
    * `ANON_TEST_CASE` has been removed, use `TEST_CASE` with no arguments instead (#1220)
    * `--list*` commands no longer have non-zero return code (#1410)
    * `--list-test-names-only` has been removed (#1190)
      * You should use verbosity-modifiers for `--list-tests` instead
    * `--list*` commands are now piped through the reporters
      * The top-level reporter interface provides default implementation that works just as the old one
      * XmlReporter outputs a machine-parseable XML
    * `TEST_CASE` description support has been removed
      * If the second argument has text outside tags, the text will be ignored.
    * Hidden test cases are no longer included just because they don't match an exclusion tag
      * Previously, a `TEST_CASE("A", "[.foo]")` would be included by asking for `~[bar]`.
    * `PredicateMatcher` is no longer type erased.
      * This means that the type of the provided predicate is part of the `PredicateMatcher`'s type
    * `SectionInfo` no longer contains section description as a member (#1319)
      * You can still write `SECTION("ShortName", "Long and wordy description")`, but the description is thrown away
      * The description type now must be a `const char*` or be implicitly convertible to it
    * The `[!hide]` tag has been removed.
      * Use `[.]` or `[.foo]` instead.
    * Lvalues of composed matchers cannot be composed further
    * Uses of `REGISTER_TEST_CASE` macro need to be followed by a semicolon
      * This does not change `TEST_CASE` and friends in any way
    * `IStreamingReporter::IsMulti` member function was removed
      * This is _very_ unlikely to actually affect anyone, as it was default-implemented in the interface, and only used internally
    * Various classes not designed for user-extension have been made final
      * `ListeningReporter` is now `final`
      * Concrete Matchers (e.g. `UnorderedEquals` vector matcher) are now `final`
      * All Generators are now `final`
    * Matcher namespacing has been redone
      * Matcher types are no longer in deeply nested namespaces
      * Matcher factory functions are no longer brought into `Catch` namespace
      * This means that all public-facing matcher-related functionality is now in `Catch::Matchers` namespace
    * Defining `CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN` will no longer create main in that TU.
      * Link with `libCatch2Main.a`, or the proper CMake/pkg-config target
      * If you want to write custom main, include `catch2/catch_session.hpp`
    * `CATCH_CONFIG_EXTERNAL_INTERFACES` has been removed.
      * You should instead include the appropriate headers as needed.
    * `CATCH_CONFIG_IMPL` has been removed.
      * The implementation is now compiled into a static library.
    * Event Listener interface has changed
      * `TestEventListenerBase` was renamed to `EventListenerBase`
      * `EventListenerBase` now directly derives from `IStreamingReporter`, instead of deriving from `StreamingReporterBase`
    * `GENERATE` decays its arguments (#2012, #2040)
      * This means that `str` in `auto str = GENERATE("aa", "bb", "cc");` is inferred to `char const*` rather than `const char[2]`.
    * `--list-*` flags write their output to file specified by the `-o` flag
    * Many changes to reporter interfaces
      * With the exception of the XmlReporter, the outputs of first party reporters should remain the same
      * New pair of events were added
      * One obsolete event was removed
      * The base class has been renamed
      * The built-in reporter class hierarchy has been redone
    * Catch2 generates a random seed if one hasn't been specified by the user
    * The short flag for `--list-tests`, `-l`, has been removed.
      * This is not a commonly used flag and does not need to use up valuable single-letter space.
    * The short flag for `--list-tags`, `-t`, has been removed.
      * This is not a commonly used flag and does not need to use up valuable single-letter space.
    * The `--colour` option has been replaced with `--colour-mode` option
    === Improvements ===
    * Matchers have been extended with the ability to use different signatures of `match` (#1307, #1553, #1554, #1843)
      * This includes having templated `match` member function
      * See the [rewritten Matchers documentation]( for details
      * Catch2 currently provides _some_ generic matchers, but there should be more before final release of v3
        * `IsEmpty`, `SizeIs` which check that the range has specific properties
        * `Contains`, which checks whether a range contains a specific element
        * `AllMatch`, `AnyMatch`, `NoneMatch` range matchers, which apply matchers over a range of elements
    * Significant compilation time improvements
      * including `catch_test_macros.hpp` is 80% cheaper than including `catch.hpp`
    * Some runtime performance optimizations
      * In all tested cases the v3 branch was faster, so the table below shows the speedup of v3 to v2 at the same task
    <a id="v3-runtime-optimization-table"></a>
    |                   task                      |  debug build | release build |
    |:------------------------------------------- | ------------:| -------------:|
    | Run 1M `REQUIRE(true)`                      |  1.10 ± 0.01 |   1.02 ± 0.06 |
    | Run 100 tests, 3^3 sections, 1 REQUIRE each |  1.27 ± 0.01 |   1.04 ± 0.01 |
    | Run 3k tests, no names, no tags             |  1.29 ± 0.01 |   1.05 ± 0.01 |
    | Run 3k tests, names, tags                   |  1.49 ± 0.01 |   1.22 ± 0.01 |
    | Run 1 out of 3k tests no names, no tags     |  1.68 ± 0.02 |   1.19 ± 0.22 |
    | Run 1 out of 3k tests, names, tags          |  1.79 ± 0.02 |   2.06 ± 0.23 |
    * POSIX platforms use `gmtime_r`, rather than `gmtime` when constructing a date string (#2008, #2165)
    * `--list-*` flags write their output to file specified by the `-o` flag (#2061, #2163)
    * `Approx::operator()` is now properly `const`
    * Catch2's internal helper variables no longer use reserved identifiers (#578)
    * `--rng-seed` now accepts string `"random-device"` to generate random seed using `std::random_device`
    * Catch2 now supports test sharding (#2257)
      * You can ask for the tests to be split into N groups and only run one of them.
      * This greatly simplifies parallelization of tests in a binary through external runner.
    * The embedded CLI parser now supports repeatedly callable lambdas
      * A lambda-based option parser can opt into being repeatedly specifiable.
    * Added `STATIC_CHECK` macro, similar to `STATIC_REQUIRE` (#2318)
      * When deferred tu runtime, it behaves like `CHECK`, and not like `REQUIRE`.
    * You can have multiple tests with the same name, as long as other parts of the test identity differ (#1915, #1999, #2175)
      * Test identity includes test's name, test's tags and and test's class name if applicable.
    * Added new warning, `UnmatchedTestSpec`, to error on test specs with no matching tests
    * The `-w`, `--warn` warning flags can now be provided multiple times to enable multiple warnings
    * The case-insensitive handling of tags is now more reliable and takes up less memory
    * Test case and assertion counting can no longer reasonably overflow on 32 bit systems
      * The count is now kept in `uint64_t` on all platforms, instead of using `size_t` type.
    * The `-o`, `--out` output destination specifiers recognize `-` as stdout
      * You have to provide it as `--out=-` to avoid CLI error about missing option
      * The new reporter specification also recognizes `-` as stdout
    * Multiple reporters can now run at the same time and write to different files (#1712, #2183)
      * To support this, the `-r`, `--reporter` flag now also accepts optional output destination
      * For full overview of the semantics of using multiple reporters, look into the reporter documentation
      * To enable the new syntax, reporter names can no longer contain `::`.
    * Console colour support has been rewritten and significantly improved
      * The colour implementation based on ANSI colour codes is always available
      * Colour implementations respect their associated stream
        * previously e.g. Win32 impl would change console colour even if Catch2 was writing to a file
      * The colour API is resilient against changing evaluation order of expressions
      * The associated CLI flag and compile-time configuration options have changed
        * For details see the docs for command-line and compile-time Catch2 configuration
    * Added a support for Bazel integration with `XML_OUTPUT_FILE` env var (#2399)
      * This has to be enabled during compilation.
    * Added `--skip-benchmarks` flag to run tests without any `BENCHMARK`s (#2392, #2408)
    * Added option to list all listeners in the binary via `--list-listeners`
    === Fixes ===
    * The `INFO` macro no longer contains superfluous semicolon (#1456)
    * The `--list*` family of command line flags now return 0 on success (#1410, #1146)
    * Various ways of failing a benchmark are now counted and reporter properly
    * The ULP matcher now handles comparing numbers with different signs properly (#2152)
    * Universal ADL-found operators should no longer break decomposition (#2121)
    * Reporter selection is properly case-insensitive
      * Previously it forced lower cased name, which would fail for reporters with upper case characters in name
    * The cumulative reporter base stores benchmark results alongside assertion results
    * Catch2's SE handling should no longer interferes with ASan on Windows (#2334)
    * Fixed Windows console colour handling for tests that redirect stdout (#2345)
    * Fixed issue with the `random` generators returning the same value over and over again
    === Other changes ===
    * `CATCH_CONFIG_DISABLE_MATCHERS` no longer exists.
      * If you do not want to use Matchers in a TU, do not include their header.
      * `StringMaker` specializations for `<chrono>` are always provided
    * Catch2's CMake now provides 2 targets, `Catch2` and `Catch2WithMain`.
      * `Catch2` is the statically compiled implementation by itself
      * `Catch2WithMain` also links in the default main
    * Catch2's pkg-config integration also provides 2 packages
      * `catch2` is the statically compiled implementation by itself
      * `catch2-with-main` also links in the default main
    * Passing invalid test specifications passed to Catch2 are now reported before tests are run, and are a hard error.
    * Running 0 tests (e.g. due to empty binary, or test spec not matching anything) returns non-0 exit code
      * Flag `--allow-running-no-tests` overrides this behaviour.
      * `NoTests` warning has been removed because it is fully subsumed by this change.
    * Catch2's compile-time configuration options (`CATCH_CONFIG_FOO`) can be set through CMake options of the same name
      * They use the same semantics as C++ defines, including the `CATCH_CONFIG_NO_FOO` overrides,
        * `-DCATCH_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REPORTER=compact` changes default reporter to "compact"
        * `-DCATCH_CONFIG_NO_ANDROID_LOGWRITE=ON` forces android logwrite to off
        * `-DCATCH_CONFIG_ANDROID_LOGWRITE=OFF` does nothing (the define will not exist)
  • v3.0.0-preview5
  • v2.13.9
    62fd6605 · v2.13.9 ·
    --- Fixes ---
    * Fixed issue with `-#` (filename-as-tag) flag when `__FILE__` expands into filename without directories (#2328, #2393)
    * Fixed `CAPTURE` macro not being variadic when disabled through `CATCH_CONFIG_DISABLE` (#2316, #2378)