2019-07-15 v1.8.1 "Orpington Duck" This release collects incremental improvements to many aspects of the library. - Upgrading: VP8E_SET_CPUUSED now accepts values up to 9 for vp9. VPX_CTRL_VP9E_SET_MAX_INTER_BITRATE_PCT had a spelling fix (was VP8E). The --sdk-path option has been removed. If you were using it to build for Android please read build/make/Android.mk for alternatives. All PPC optimizations have been disabled: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webm/issues/detail?id=1522. - Enhancements: Various changes to improve encoder rate control, quality and speed for practically every use case. - Bug fixes: vp9-rtc: Fix color artifacts for speed >= 8.