diff --git a/patch/ics_strawberry/hardware/qcom/display/0001-hwc-Framework-should-honor-MDP-Copybit-usage-limitat.patch b/patch/ics_strawberry/hardware/qcom/display/0001-hwc-Framework-should-honor-MDP-Copybit-usage-limitat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61bcbf62b7a7e0ac11d5f845a9a52bcac57e4d9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patch/ics_strawberry/hardware/qcom/display/0001-hwc-Framework-should-honor-MDP-Copybit-usage-limitat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+From 990e0b8cbbae3b61226bbe7bec077814b229bea0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Sushil Chauhan <sushilchauhan@codeaurora.org>
+Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 10:19:39 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH] hwc: Framework should honor MDP Copybit usage limitation.
+MDP PPP is not efficient when render area of RGB layers is too large
+as compared to FrameBuffer area, which can lead to issue like Copybit
+source image data cannot be fetched for few BLIT requests leading to
+fuzziness on display contents. So framework should honor MDP Copybit
+usage limitation especially on high resolution targets (> WVGA) with
+default Dynamic Composition.
+Change-Id: I084e9b61ab1619d718b59c1a7acbe14fca2cb089
+ libhwcomposer/a-family/hwcomposer.cpp | 15 ++++++++++++---
+ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libhwcomposer/a-family/hwcomposer.cpp b/libhwcomposer/a-family/hwcomposer.cpp
+index 35fb2a6..a3e609c 100644
+--- a/libhwcomposer/a-family/hwcomposer.cpp
++++ b/libhwcomposer/a-family/hwcomposer.cpp
+@@ -1000,19 +1000,21 @@ static bool canUseCopybit(const framebuffer_device_t* fbDev, const hwc_layer_lis
+     /*
+      * Use copybit only when we need to blit
+      * max 2 full screen sized regions
+      */
+     unsigned int renderArea = 0;
+     for(int i = 0; i < list->numHwLayers; i++ ) {
+-        int w, h;
+-        getLayerResolution(&list->hwLayers[i], w, h);
+-        renderArea += w*h;
++        if (list->hwLayers[i].handle) { // Non-color layer
++            int w, h;
++            getLayerResolution(&list->hwLayers[i], w, h);
++            renderArea += w*h;
++        }
+     }
+     return (renderArea <= (2 * fb_w * fb_h));
+ }
+ static void handleHDMIStateChange(hwc_composer_device_t *dev, int externaltype) {
+ #if defined HDMI_DUAL_DISPLAY
+     private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast<private_hwc_module_t*>(
+@@ -1807,16 +1809,23 @@ static int hwc_set(hwc_composer_device_t *dev,
+         ctx->nPipesUsed = 0;
+     }
+     closeExtraPipes(ctx);
+ #endif
+     int ret = 0;
+     if (list) {
++        if (hwcModule->compositionType & COMPOSITION_TYPE_DYN) {
++            statCount(ctx, list);
++            if (!canUseCopybit(hwcModule->fbDevice, list, ctx->yuvBufferCount)) {
++                LOGD("%s: Cannot use copybit for current frame", __FUNCTION__);
++                return -1;
++            }
++        }
+         bool bDumpLayers = needToDumpLayers(); // Check need for debugging dumps
+         for (size_t i=0; i<list->numHwLayers; i++) {
+             if (bDumpLayers)
+                 dumpLayer(hwcModule->compositionType, list->flags, i, list->hwLayers);
+             if (list->hwLayers[i].flags & HWC_SKIP_LAYER) {
+                 continue;
+             } else if(list->hwLayers[i].flags & HWC_USE_EXT_ONLY) {
+                 continue;